Chapter 3

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When Zhao Yao said these words, everyone present cast unexpected glances, especially Zhao Zhikai and Zhao Qizhen. Zhao Qizhen was so happy when he heard the words, Zhao Yao's brain was twisted in a car accident? I ran around for the Venucia project before, but now I don't want to run for the position of the person in charge?

Zhao Qizhen mocked: "The third brother's body is indeed still well rested."

Yao Bai was even more confused, what happened? Isn't his brother here to be the person in charge?

Many of the people present were those whom Zhao Zhikai had managed in advance. They knew that at the end of this meeting, a vote was needed to vote on the project leader. At this time, Zhao Yao suddenly said such words, causing them to wonder why, and all looked at Zhao Zhikai.

Zhao Zhikai frowned and asked again and again, "Xiao Yao, what do you mean?"

Zhao Yao's words are sincere. In his last life, he was busy with the so-called family property of the Zhao family and ended up in pain. In this life, he finally got a healthy body and started all over again. How could he still fight for Zhao like his previous life? This family property? Are you free to make trouble for yourself?

Not to mention that the Zhao family's family business is riddled with holes, just talking about this so-called assessment, in the final analysis, it is a meeting where everyone stands in line, and then there will be **** storms and intrigue. He is really not interested, and he doesn't want to be involved in disputes anymore. These people can fight whatever they like.

"It doesn't make any sense." Zhao Yao calmly said: "If the Qichen project is really to be selected from the Zhao family and choose the best from various conditions, I think I am inferior to my elder brother Zhao Changshuo, and Qi Zhen is inexperienced. It seems that the candidate is not very clear?"

Others on the field glanced at each other, and some raised objections: "But there are other projects on the young man's body, and I am afraid that it is difficult to take on heavy responsibilities with multiple positions."

Not far away, Zhao Changshuo, who had been silent all the time, gave Zhao Yao a serious look when he heard the words, with a bit of caution and doubt in his eyes.

Zhao Yao habitually touched his index finger, but there was no jade wrench on his knuckles that he was used to in his previous life. Facing the gazes of others, he said calmly: "Then tell me what projects he is also in charge of? And these projects How is it working now?"

"This..." The man who stood up looked embarrassed, then looked at the others.

The secretary standing behind Zhao Changshuo didn't miss this opportunity. He circulated the project information that had been sorted out in advance to others, and said, "This is Mr. Zhao Changshuo's current project, you can take a look."

Zhao Yao saw the actions of Zhao Changshuo's secretary and knew that the next situation should start to deflect towards Zhao Changshuo, and he had no interest in wasting time here. This time he made a direct statement here. This meeting will either push Zhao Changshuo, or No result.

"Yao Bai." Zhao Yao tilted his head and glanced at Yao Bai.

Yao Bai hurried forward to push the wheelchair.

Zhao Yao looked at everyone with a smile, "The rest are up to you to discuss. I also made an appointment with the doctor, so I won't stay any more."

Here goes! ? People at the meeting all looked at Zhao Yao, isn't this the main event just arrived? He just said one sentence to vote, then stated his position that he supported Zhao Changshuo, and then he was about to leave? This Zhao Yao had a car accident and broke his brain.

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