Chapter 13

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Hearing Pei Mingzhan's familiar tone, Zhao Yao couldn't help but be puzzled, and then noticed the camera not far away, thinking that it might be a burden for the star in front of the camera.

The two simply put together a blind date table. Pei Mingzhan and the recording task did not leave much behind, and walked directly to the side and rear direction Zhao Yao said with his partner Xiao Xu.

After the people left, Yao Bai came over after a while, "My mother kept looking this way, but it scared me to death."

He pulled out the chair opposite Zhao Yao and sat down, "This Pei Mingzhan is quite talkative, he doesn't seem to have any airs."

"It's okay." Zhao Yao pinched his eyebrows with a headache, even though the place was still cool, the sun on this hot day made his forehead sore.

After Yao Bai finished speaking, he said, "I was watching from the back just now. If I hadn't known that the two of you didn't know each other, I would have thought he had a good relationship with you."

Zhao Yao: "How do you say?"

"I feel it." Yao Bai thought of the scene just now, "I always feel that his attention is all on you."

This is also the recording scene. I heard that the game is hide-and-seek. Shouldn't normal guests always pay attention to the movement on the other side of the square? But Pei Mingzhan didn't seem to even glance over there, and even pushed him away to sit with the little girl.

"It would be strange if he looked over there. Too much attention will only expose himself. Don't forget that he is an actor." Zhao Yao slowed down, "It's too far away, I didn't hear what they were saying." Guang It's a bit difficult to observe by facial expressions, and I haven't heard the key to the discussion.

Yao Bai was shocked: "Do you want to get closer? Isn't that just joining the group chat?"

There was at least a small flower bed over there, and it was easy to listen to the corner, and the parents of the big girl were covering and explaining incidentally.

Zhao Yao was about to say something when he saw a figure walking quickly behind Yao Bai.

That person was wearing the work clothes of the staff of the blind date, and there was a work card on his chest dangling as he walked. Who was Ms. Yao who was not afraid of Yao Bai? I saw her rolling up her sleeves as she walked, staring straight at her.

"..." Zhao Yao was silent.

Yao Bai was pondering how to rationalize his brother to join the group chat to find out the secrets of blind date, and at this time, he felt an inexplicable yin on his back. Before he could turn his head, he heard Ms. Yao's characteristic high voice, "Yao Xiaobai!"

Yao Bai: ! !

Zhao Yao hadn't seen Ms. Yao for many years. Yao Bai served as his assistant very early. In his last life, he hadn't seen Ms. Yao for almost ten years.

This lady was still as strong as he had imagined, and she didn't listen to Yao Bai's explanation.

There are many staff in the backstage at this moment, in addition to the staff of the blind date corner, there are also staff of several cultural and tourism program groups.

Ms. Yao saw that Zhao Yao came back here in a wheelchair, she hurriedly asked someone to sit and rest in an air-conditioned place, and brought a few bottles of mineral water, "Xiao Yao sit here first, auntie go do something else. ."

"You're busy first." Zhao Yao politely replied.

Ms. Yao is a tough but delicate and gentle woman. Zhao Yao and Yao Bai are friends, and they went to Yao Bai's house when they were in college. Ms. Yao knew that Zhao Yao lived with the housekeeper. When she was studying, as long as she stayed in S City, she would always invite him and Uncle Wang to be guests at home for tea.

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