Chapter 7

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Zhao Changshuo took the documents given by Zhao Yao and checked them one by one. Before the start of the meeting, he eliminated some hidden dangers in advance, and prepared a plan in advance for the risks mentioned in the documents. Sure enough, at the second meeting, some people refuted his point of view based on the loopholes mentioned in the document. Fortunately, Zhao Changshuo was prepared in advance, and he could remain calm and calm in the face of other people's doubts.

Everything was just as Zhao Yao said. After realizing that Zhao Yao was not suitable to be a partner, Zhao Zhikai wanted to push Zhao Qizhen directly.

At the meeting, the two camps were quarreling with each other. Just as the time for voting was approaching, news suddenly came from outside the meeting room. The extravagant and chaotic photos of Zhao Qizhen and others partying late at night were exposed, and the angle of the photos was tricky. Triggered a climax and caused a heated discussion on Weibo.

Zhao Changshuo looked at Zhao Zhikai's assistant and whispered in his ear, and the picture of the incident came from his mobile phone. He felt that Zhao Yao had prepared this incident in advance.

The Qichen meeting was originally known to many people within the group. The Internet information spread very fast, and the directors of all parties had their own news channels. As soon as they heard about the Zhao Qizhen incident, they immediately sent someone to inquire about the results of the Qichen meeting. .

Zhao Zhikai's face turned black with anger.

When Zhao Qizhen, who was present, saw the photo, he denied it: "This is just a party with my friends. Do you believe what the marketing account says? Everything the marketing account says is malicious fabrication!" When he saw this photo It's really surprising. He also knows not to be too ostentatious during this critical period. Once it attracts the attention of others or behaves inappropriately, it will affect the choice of the person in charge of the Qichen project, but this photo was taken three months ago. unexpected.

It doesn't matter if this photo is true or not, and its appearance in this period means that Zhao Qizhen's taking over the Qichen project in the short term will arouse the suspicion of other directors. The first interruption of the Qichen meeting can be said to have a reason, but the second interruption will cause others to question.

Zhao Changshuo looked down at the documents on the desktop and couldn't help but think deeply, saying that Zhao Yao was originally Zhao Zhikai's puppet, but now it seems that Zhao Zhikai was not used by Zhao Yao.

This photo was like someone pushed behind the scenes, and it was quickly broadcasted within the group. Zhao Zhikai's assistant frequently received inquiries from outside at the meeting. Zhao Qizhen refuted it at first, but he had nothing to say after that.

"Second uncle." Zhao Changshuo said: "Since there are other things to deal with urgently, why not determine the person in charge first?"


When the Qichen meeting was so noisy, Zhao Yao was sitting in the small living room talking with the doctor.

At this time, a vx message popped up on the phone. It was from a public opinion expert in a certain circle he contacted a few days ago. This meeting has already sent the work progress.

[The things you asked me to do have been arranged, and they will be withdrawn in three days, and the price will remain the same. 】

Zhao Yao lowered his eyes slightly. Originally, this move was used to guard against Zhao Qizhen, but thinking that Zhao Qizhen had been looking for something to ridicule many times during this time, he might as well give Zhao Changshuo a favor.

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