Chapter 43

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Pei Mingzhan briefly introduced the plan of the live broadcast platform to Zhao Yao. They have also been preparing for this project for a while, and his friends have only started to invest in it recently. The original plan was for the Pei family to invest, but Pei Mingzhan didn't want his own group to be involved, so now only Zhao Yao is investing.

The live broadcast platform is a new field, and it is just beginning to prepare for the start, and there will definitely be many problems. Pei Mingzhan said: "It's just like this, there will be risks, so you can think about it again."

Zhao Yao suddenly asked: "This was originally a project between you and a friend, why did you suddenly ask me?"

"I think you will be interested." Pei Mingzhan smiled and said, "I don't treat you as an outsider. Besides, after Huihua gets on the right track, there are many projects that need to be connected with the circle. Live broadcasting is also a new industry now, and many companies are already considering it. This module, I think you will be interested."

"You guessed it right." Zhao Yao didn't hide it, "This is a bonus, at least in the next 20 years, it will bring benefits no less than your expectations, provided that your friend has enough strength to survive the first A round of market competition."

Seeing Zhao Yao's interest, Pei Mingzhan said bluntly: "Then let's talk about it in another place. It just so happens that I have a plan, take a look?"

Zhao Yao suddenly became interested, "Let's go."

When Yao Bai was with someone, he knocked on the chair and it was difficult to walk. As soon as the two reached the intersection, they found that Zhao Yao and Pei Mingzhan had changed their direction again. Brother Lao said while supporting the person: "This young guy can really walk, my old bones and legs are starting to get sore."

"Young guy can't walk..." Yao Bai took a breath as he walked, feeling that his knees might be blue, "The direction they are walking is the parking lot, right?"

The Dolphinarium is not far from the entrance, and there is a passage to the parking lot.

Brother Lao said: "No way, I just watched the dolphin show. Last time, Lao Pei and Mr. Zhao didn't leave until it was dark."

As a result, the two followed for a while, and found that Zhao Yao and Pei Mingzhan were really walking towards the parking lot. This time, Brother Lao was not calm, and hurried into the parking lot to keep up, "No, there won't be a big problem when the two of you are in such a hurry?"

Yao Bai started rolling up his pants to see his leg injury, "No way, maybe it's just not fun and planning to leave."

"It's just after noon?" Brother Lao drove to keep up, "I think there may be something wrong with the person who just talked to Mr. Zhao. You can watch the situation on the Internet."

The two followed Pei Mingzhan all the way to the outside of the community where Pei Mingzhan lived. Seeing this somewhat familiar place, Brother Lao was a little confused, turned his head and asked Yao Bai, "Does your brother come here usually?"

"What kind of community is this?" It was the first time Yao Bai came to the neighborhood of Pei Mingzhan, "Isn't it...? If my brother had been to this place, wouldn't I know?"

Brother Lao lit a cigarette, and said in a complicated mood: "Old Pei can play, is this going directly to the house?"

It turns out that this community is Pei Yingdi's residence?

Yao Bai asked, "Then are we still following?"

"What are you doing here..." Brother Lao said, "Are you still interested in seeing that?"

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