Chapter 12

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The cultural and tourism program team arranged a game session at the cultural park. Pei Mingzhan originally came here to see the situation because of the hide-and-seek game. Previously, the director team was very angry, but he didn't expect that this place was holding a blind date, and Zhao Yao was actually there.

"Brother Pei, there should be clues in this place." Xiao Xu, the amateur girl of the partner, looked at the cameras set up around, "There are many cameras from the show team here."

"There should be a clue." Pei Mingzhan saw Zhao Yao being pushed and moved to the theater square full of blind date tables, he looked to the other side, "There are many people here, and they should be found in a while. "

There are too many fans who are stopped by security, which is very easy to reveal their hiding positions, and in their game rules, the Tibetans need to find NPC clues to set obstacles for the captures, or eliminate them.

"Then shall we give up this place?" Xiao Xu asked.

Pei Mingzhan beckoned for the camera, "When people come over, you can take pictures in the direction of the path over there. Do you know if you need to move forward?"

He pointed to the cobblestone path on the other side of the Cultural Plaza.

The camera nodded.

"Old Pei!" the fans in the crowd shouted, "We help you!"

Pei Mingzhan laughed when he heard the words, and waved to them, "Then I'll trouble you, people come here and know what to do?"

"Let's go over there!"

"I will never expose you!"

After Pei Mingzhan explained, he said to Xiao Xu, "Let's enter the theater."

Xiao Xu said unexpectedly: "There are too many people here, it's too easy to be discovered, right?"

"It's okay." Pei Mingzhan swept the empty tables in the arena, and finally walked over first, "Come with me."


Yao Bai took advantage of his strong ability to run short distances in college, and stormed into the blind date square with the wind under Zhao Yao's wheelchair. He looked left and right, and finally found an empty table to sit and rest.

"No wonder there are so many people here, why did no one tell me that the show is still being recorded here?" Yao Bai wiped his sweat. Ms. Yao was mysterious when she said the blind date.

Zhao Yao swept over the crowd, and withdrew his eyes when he was not interested. He looked around and found that there were several empty tables on their side. If he wanted to observe other people, the distance was a little far, and he reminded: "Little Bai, let's go inside."

You can't observe people very much here, so you have to look inside.

Yao Bai firmly opposed, "Brother, go over there is the place where the organizer rests. We will find our own way to go there." It is difficult to find a place to go to the blind date square. On the left is the star's fan group. , and the organizer's base camp on the right. He pushed the wheelchair to shuttle between the blind dates.

Zhao Yao observed the next four weeks, and said flatly: "We are also very obvious now."

Because he was in a wheelchair, people around him looked at him from time to time.

"I've observed it carefully. This place is a dead corner, and it's hard to notice on the left and right sides." Yao Bai noticed the gazes of others, "Brother, I'll help you sit on the chair, and we'll put the wheelchair away."

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