Chapter 74

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"Isn't it?" Aunt smiled, "I also heard from your cousin that the two of you have been on the hot search several times, and your uncle also said that the two of you have been good children since childhood."

Zhao Yao suddenly remembered something and said tentatively, "I remember his nickname is Peipei...?"

"There's this, you liked to call him Pepe when you were young. At that time, the old house of Pei's family was next to your grandfather. When I was a child, I liked to come to the house to look for you during holidays. Sometimes your mother didn't bring you here. I'll come and see every other day." My aunt remembers these things about children clearly, mainly because the two children have a good relationship, and the old people in the family always talk about it.

Zhao Yao remembered the eldest child named Peipei, but he did not know that his name was Pei Mingzhan. When he was a child, the eldest children around him had their own nicknames. Many people called the child Pepe. He thought that the child's real name should be similar to this one. ...but did not expect his original name to be Pei Mingzhan.

When my aunt saw that Zhao Yao was interested in things as a child, she thought of the album that Uncle Wang had just taken, "Wait a minute, you took a lot of childhood photos with that child, and there are albums at home."

She left for a while and came back with the album in her hand.

Zhao Yao watched her turn to the back of the album, and there were several pictures of him and Pei Mingzhan when he was a child. There are also photos of playing on the court, and even pulling him to fly a kite in the field... Some memories are buried deep, but when I see these photos, I have a vague impression.

It turns out that the eldest child is Pei Mingzhan?

Pepe is a boy with a small head, he looks a little more fierce than other children of the same age, and he is very smart, and he easily became the head of the child at that time.

Zhao Yao can't remember exactly how the two met, but he only knew that the child came to apologize with snacks, and finally led him around to play.

Zhao Yao suddenly thought that when he first met Pei Mingzhan, Pei Mingzhan had been paying close attention to him, and the real time to get along should be in the "Shadow" crew meeting. With Pei Mingzhan's status and work attitude, it is reasonable to say that During the rest time, he should be busy with other things, and during that time, Pei Mingzhan introduced him to the work of the crew and the details of the shooting after the filming... The originally planned shooting time gradually lengthened.

Thinking about it again, Pei Mingzhan's attitude was very close when he was hospitalized.

Now the two are in a relationship, but at that time, when he faced Pei Mingzhan's closeness, he thought he felt guilty because of an accident on the set, but think about it a long time ago. with the same attitude. Zhao Yao thought to himself, did Pei Mingzhan know that the two knew each other when they were children a long time ago?

"This picture was made by your grandmother to make a costume for you at that time. It seems that it was the first time you wore it and kept crying. Later, it was your mother who persuaded you to try it on before putting it on." Seeing that Zhao Yao was very interested, He pointed to one of the photos and said, "Did you see behind this door? The one who was hiding behind was Pepe. He was too shy to come in at that time."

Zhao Yao took a closer look and could indeed see a little boy with an inch head, his face in the photo was a little blurry.

He couldn't remember very well, so he asked, "Why is he shy?"

When my aunt thought of this, she laughed out loud, "He thought you were a girl at that time, and secretly asked the family which little girl this was. Later, his elder brother joked that you were his first love, and his face turned red."

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