Chapter 5

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Zhao Yao thought about asking a doctor to prescribe some sleeping aids after dawn. He originally planned to find two variety shows to watch and relieve his boredom, but he noticed the name of a variety show on the cover of a pink cover on the variety show channel. The name was "Fated to be you". Seems to be a dating show.

Seeing this word, he suddenly thought of several suggestions given to him by a psychiatrist in his previous life. The doctor said that his insomnia had certain psychological factors, it may be anxiety caused by overly busy work, or it may be other reasons. But after several courses of intensive treatment, the doctor unexpectedly gave him new advice.

The psychiatrist said, "Mr. Zhao, maybe you can consider a relationship."

It can be said that Zhao Yao has been single all his life. He has never been in a relationship during college. After he came out of college, he plunged into the Zhao Group and even had no time to fall in love. It may be because of the family. He rarely trusts others, and he has only a few good friends, but he has not reached the point of heart-to-heart talk.

The businessmen in the shopping mall are all foxes, and there are many people who flatter them behind their backs. Zhao Yaoxin is no better than others, and it is difficult to establish a stable trust relationship with others. There are only two people who can be regarded as trustworthy, one is Uncle Wang, and the other is Yao Bai. The former died of illness and the latter went abroad.

In the environment of his previous life, it was difficult for him to make friends, let alone build trusting relationships with other people. Falling in love is not like a friend, his partner is someone who is always by his side, Zhao Yao did not take the psychiatrist's advice to heart.

The male and female guests on the cover laughed brightly. Zhao Yao made a sudden move in and saw three in the morning until Uncle Wang found it strange and went upstairs to check the situation.

The blind date variety show played in the living room was very strange in the evening atmosphere.

"Master." Uncle Wang's eyes swept across the TV screen from time to time. "You just need to rest and recuperate. The doctor said it's best not to stay up late. Why did you get up to watch the show?"

Zhao Yao nodded, but changed the subject and said, "Uncle Wang, here is a book list, please take a trip in two days."

He switched his phone to the memo page and handed it to Uncle Wang.

book list? Uncle Wang said, "Is it a hard-to-find book?"

Nowadays, there are not as many types of physical bookstores as online purchases. Since it is the books he wants to collect, it should be a collector's edition of some published books.

"Love Strategy"

"Love Psychology Crowd Analysis"

"108 Ways to Connect"


Uncle Wang took a closer look, made sure he read it right, and asked, "Master, are you sure you want to buy these?"

This doesn't look like a serious book!

"I didn't find these books when I just went to Xbao to read them. There are still a few stores that have been removed. I can only trouble you to find other channels." Zhao Yao took back his mobile phone, and then opened the store page of a certain treasure, "Or you Let's see if I can contact the owner, I sent a message to the customer service but didn't reply."

When he saw the blind date show, Zhao Yao seemed to have suddenly found something to do, and it is not impossible to put some suggestions that he could not practice in his previous life in this life. He is still young, and he doesn't have to work hard. Taking care of his body and maintaining health are indeed the first and foremost things.

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