Chapter 72

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The man was even more anxious when he thought of this, and hurriedly contacted a few friends to ask about the situation. As a result, the friend hung up the phone as soon as he got through. He finally got in touch with a friend and wanted to ask if he could sell some raw materials in an emergency, and that friend He said bluntly: "It's really gone."

"Aren't I going to tell you this? Which friend asked me for this material and cut off the source of my purchases. I'm really in a hurry for this shipment..." The man wanted to ask a question from him, but he didn't expect his words just now. When asked about the exit, the other party simply said he didn't know, and then hung up the phone.

After making several calls in succession, the reply was almost the same. The man finally knew that he should be a big man who could offend him. However, before he could find out which boss he had offended, the boss who had signed the order with him called the door to urge the goods. , and several of his previous cooperative merchants also complained about the quality of the goods.

The supply of raw materials is in short supply, the quality of the output goods is questioned, and even a large number of returns are received... All kinds of things are overwhelming, and the quality problems that were previously suppressed have been pushed up again, and even the media are because of this. The incident began to reveal his family's production line, and when the company's internal financial problems were carefully checked, major omissions were found, and the shareholders involved came to ask him about his situation, including Bai Chengxue.

The man looked at the constantly ringing phone on the table, and finally realized that this time might really be over.


When Pei Mingzhan was cooking, he naturally noticed that the kitchen was a little messy. Even though Uncle Wang had cleaned up in advance, the sweet and creamy smell filled the air. When he opened the refrigerator, he noticed the materials in the fresh-keeping layer. With the degree of waste of those materials and the strange recipes that Zhao Yao reposted on the Internet, it was not difficult to guess whose handwriting it was.

Zhao Yao seems to be omnipotent, but he doesn't seem to have any skills in making desserts.

After Zhao Yao came out of the study, he sat on the sofa and watched TV. When he saw Uncle Wang approaching, he asked, "Have the kitchen been cleaned up?"

Uncle Wang tacitly said, "I have cleaned up."

Zhao Yao was relieved, and his eyes returned to the TV.

Pei Mingzhan's cooking speed is very fast. With his skillful knife skills and smooth techniques, he can pour the ingredients in the pot, and he has already prepared two or three dishes in half an hour. When he saw the ingredients in the refrigerator, he asked just to come over to see Uncle Wang of the situation: "Can the ingredients in the refrigerator be used? It can make two desserts after meals."

The materials can only be those that the young master practiced to make desserts in the afternoon.

Uncle Wang hesitated, and finally said, "It's okay, you can use it."

Pei Mingzhan smiled, "Okay."

Uncle Wang watched Pei Mingzhan take out the ingredients that the young master had fooled, thinking that he would have to go to the supermarket later to complete the ingredients. Recently, the young master of his own is keen on making desserts. Uncle Wang probably made it for Mr. Pei. The young master should not want Mr. Pei to know about it in advance.

Zhao Yao didn't know that the materials he had just prepared to make puffs were used by Pei Mingzhan in the kitchen.

With the speed of Pei Mingzhan's cooking, this meeting should have already eaten.

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