Chapter 67

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Zhao Changshuo has been busy dealing with Zhao Zhikai these days. Zhao Zhikai has changed from his original strategy to an active attack. During this time, he not only openly disagreed with him during meetings, but even dragged other high-level executives to stir up trouble. In the eyes of the outside world, it was just a simple disagreement, but Zhao Changshuo knew that this could be regarded as a signal of direct war.

"Pay close attention these days." Zhao Changshuo patiently instructed his confidants, "In addition to Zhao Zhikai, pay more attention to Zhao Qizhen's actions, and report to me immediately if there are any other problems."

The confidant nodded: "You can rest assured on this point."

The two briefly talked about the next thing, and the confidant left. Zhao Changshuo sank to think about what Zhao Yao said a few days ago. If Zhao Zhikai really wanted Zhao Qizhen to do it, he would almost push Zhao Qizhen out.

"Boss." An elite dressed in a black suit knocked on the door and came in. This person was a supervisor under Zhao Changshuo, who was also considered a confidant. "We found that someone was buying scattered shares in the name of San Shao."

Hearing him say this, Zhao Changshuo paused: "The person over Zhao Yao's side?"

The supervisor shook his head: "We didn't find out about this, and the other party was very cautious."

Zhao Changshuo thought about it: "How could Zhao Yao acquire scattered shares at this time?"

The supervisor hesitated: "Boss, there is something I don't know whether to say it or not."

"Just tell me, what other problems did you find?" Zhao Changshuo asked.

The supervisor thought about the close relationship between Boss and San Shao during this time, and knew that he might have some malicious speculation when speaking at this time, but he still said bluntly: "The fact that San Shao quit the competition at the beginning was a bit bizarre, and I will give you some advice during this time. The idea to solve the matter, will it be San Shao's plan to delay the fight from the beginning? Let us relax our vigilance on the grounds of withdrawing from the competition, and then participate in the competition in a roundabout way."

If this is the case, then it can explain why Zhao Sanshao bought the shares.

At this stage, buying scattered shares in Zhao Yao's name... Zhao Changshuo subconsciously felt that it was not Zhao Yao's actions, because Zhao Yao was too uncompetitive now, and the ideas given to him were aimed at Zhao Zhikai, if Zhao Yao was too uncompetitive It's really a plan to delay the army, then he helps himself push Zhao Zhikai out of office, then the plan behind it becomes easier to expose.

"It shouldn't be Zhao Yao. If it is Zhao Yao, it would be wise to keep Zhao Zhikai to fight with me, and finally the fisherman will benefit." Zhao Changshuo frowned slightly, "And he helped me remove the hidden danger left by Zhao Zhikai, which is actually helping me. We get more chips. If you were Zhao Yao, would you leave yourself a powerful enemy?"

This is too unnecessary, Zhao Yao's attitude at the beginning actually shows that he has no intention to participate in all competitions. Then the person who bought the scattered shares in his name should not be Zhao Yao, and Zhao Zhikai has not made any obvious moves in this regard during this period of time. Who is the person who can do it?

Zhao Changshuo thought of Zhao Qizhen, but does Zhao Qizhen have such a strategy?

Another office of the group.

Zhao Zhikai gave a rare smile when he received the news, "This Zhao Si can't do anything else, but he can make a good result by being busy with these intrigues."

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