Chapter 30

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[I suddenly feel a little distressed for Xiao Zhao. 】

[As expected of Xiao Zhao, an enthusiastic citizen...]

[I feel a little distressed but I find it funny...]

【How is your crew? The most seriously injured person was Mr. Zhao. 】

Some netizens re-opened the GIF animation of Guang Chuan and the picture evidence presented by the crew, and suddenly found a blind spot.

[Hey, wait, Lao Pei seems to have been pulled by a figure in the moving picture. I just compared it and found that this person looks a bit like Mr. Zhao...]

【? ? ? 】

[Wori, that Guan Bo said to save people, shouldn't he save Lao Pei? ? ? 】

In the middle of the night, Huihua's clarification was hotly searched.

The news on the Internet quickly reached the ears of some people in H City. The person sitting in the office didn't shave, and his face was very bad. He was calling: "Pei Er's matter has been found out by the Pei family. Now the shareholders do not protect us, what should we do?"

"What? In addition to the Pei family and the Zhao family, the Pei and Zhao families didn't communicate, right? So they also got involved in this matter." The middle-aged man was furious: "You told me at the time, as long as Pei Ming If Zhan doesn't return to H City, President Pei will not move our project. Now that Pei Mingzhan is not dead, if he comes back to take over the business of the Pei family, we will not be able to hide what we have done. "

The person on the other end of the phone didn't know what to say, and the middle-aged man's face suddenly turned pale.

At this time, someone came in from outside the office, and said to him: "Mr. Zheng, the matter of fans of the movie crew is on the hot search again..."

When the man known as President Zheng heard this sentence, he almost fainted, "Which one who doesn't have long eyes still puts things up at this juncture, I wonder if the Zhao family and the Pei family are investigating now!"

The secretary hurriedly explained: "It's not our people, it seems that it was made by an opponent of the film crew's management."

Mr. Zheng's eyes turned black for a while, "Then what are you doing here? Hurry up and deal with this matter!"

He joined with a shareholder in the Pei family group and heard that Pei Mingzhan was going back to H city to inherit part of the family business of the Pei family. It's nothing, but if Pei Mingzhan parachutes on top of them, some things can't be hidden...

Originally wanted to do something with Pei Mingzhan, but Pei Mingzhan's public activities were reduced and his schedule was kept secret, so he couldn't find the time to do it. I didn't know until a while ago that Pei Mingzhan was filming in the crew for several days, so he found someone to do something on the crane, intending to disguise it as an accident, but I didn't expect that the person who did it was not clean. Let the Pei family find the crane, and they are about to be found...

He gritted his teeth solemnly: "You're making trouble for me at this juncture, if you let me know who did this..."


Zhao's old house.

When Zhao Changshuo heard the knock on the door, he looked up and saw Zhao Ruihong leaning against the door of the study, holding a mobile phone in his hand as if he was pressing something.

"Is something wrong?" Zhao Changshuo closed the document and looked at Zhao Ruihong.

Zhao Ruihong quickly tapped something with her fingers, and when she heard Zhao Changshuo's questioning, she casually replied, "The fourth and Aunt Bai don't know what little tricks they are doing, and they talked to each other when they came back.

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