Chapter 16

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Zhao Yao looked at the door of the conference room, and saw Ji Heyu, who was dressed simply, pulling his suitcase, like a little lamb entering a pack of wolves.

He closed the book and said to Chen Xi who was beside him, "My people are here."

Chen Xi put away his moved heart and turned his head to look at the door. Is there any magic weapon coming on stage?

The Xingchen team was discussing the handover with Huihua's management team. At this time, they saw a boy wearing a simple suit and pulling a suitcase at the door of the conference room. His appearance was OK, but his clothes were indescribably rustic. Everyone's attention suddenly fell on Ji Heyu, and a dozen pairs of eyes stared at him, as if to see him out.

Who are you?

Still pulling suitcases?

The girl who led the way whispered, "This gentleman said he was here for an interview."

Huihua's management couldn't help asking, "Who is this person?"

Xingchen's team is looking at people carefully: "It's not a newcomer who has recently entered the circle, it should be an amateur."

"No? Are we still signing amateurs here?"

"We Huihua don't seem to sign newcomers in recent years."

"He just said that he is coming to President Zhao Zhao?"


The girl who brought Ji Heyu to the conference room didn't feel timid, and asked Ji Heyu carefully, "Are you really here to find Mr. Zhao?"

When Ji Heyu saw so many people, he was a little suspicious of himself. He thought he had gone to the wrong place, and looked at each other with the girl who was leading the way. He was hesitating whether to retreat from this place-

Yao Bai walked out from the crowd of elite men in tall suits, saw Ji Heyu and said kindly, "Xiao Ji is here, come in and sit inside."

The docking in the conference room continued. Ji Heyu was taken to the corner of the conference room and saw Zhao Yao talking to a man in a dark blue suit.

The person sitting with Mr. Zhao seems to be Chen Xi, the former boss of Huihua...?

Ji Heyu checked the information on the Internet. Compared with the ID photos on the Internet, Mr. Chen is a bit fatter than the photos.

Chen Xi looked at Ji Heyu, and he had to say that this little bun looks pretty good, and his face and facial features are three-dimensional. This kind of appearance condition is very suitable for being in front of the camera, especially the textured blockbuster. This face can be fully supported, even if the height is average, and the body shape is too thin to wear clothes.

After Chen Xi finished looking at it, Zhao Yaocai introduced: "Ji Heyu, an amateur I met a while ago. I remember that Huihua also has a music studio and cooperates with several record companies in the industry. If you see no problem, just sign someone. Right."

He saw Ji Heyu pulling the suitcase, and he knew about the situation in his heart. Xiaoji fell out with the boss because of the business of the bar. A while ago, he asked a lawyer to help Xiaoji settle the contract dispute. According to the situation, he has moved out of the place where he used to work...

"Singer?" Chen Xi was a little surprised, "I thought it was an actor."

Ji Heyu didn't know how to do the process, so he took out his resume and handed it to Chen Xi, "Mr. Chen, this is my resume."

Chen Xi was stunned when he heard him speak, "Your voice condition is very special."

Originally, he was a little unhappy about Zhao Yao bringing new people to sign the contract. After all, Huihua has not completely rectified the internal affairs. Whether it is signing artists or stars, it is not the right time. However, Zhao Yao was Huihua's current financial master, and he didn't pay much attention to Huihua's management. Since the father of the gold master spoke, Chen Xi could only accompany him.

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