Chapter 44

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On weekends, Pei Mingzhan Studio and Huihua Culture joined a large class.

Originally, Chen Xi was still looking at the list sent by Xingchen Culture with great interest, but as a result, he received a threatening call from Dingfeng Culture. His good mood was swept away. It meant that Chen Xi was a little self-aware.

"Please rest assured, Mr. Lin." Chen Xi was not afraid of his threat at all: "We Huihua will use Zhang Qi as the male protagonist, and we are sure to make Mr. Lin 'satisfied'."

The boss of Dingfeng was so angry that he vomited blood: "Chen Xi, don't be ignorant of praise! Isn't it just next to Zhao Yao, what can he do, Zhao Yao, a poor and rich second generation from Zhao's group, you don't know how to look at people's connections in this circle. ? Huihua offended Mr. Lin, and you don't want to mix in the domestic entertainment circle in the future."

Chen Xi was used to hearing this kind of threat, and even prepared himself as early as when Mr. Zhao of his family wanted to sign Zhang Qi, "Hey, to put it so hard, I signed Zhang Qi from you at the beginning, so here it is. When Mr. Lin asked for trouble, he didn't come to you first, and you released the contract, why do you blame us for holding people up?"

"You!" Dingfeng boss was furious.

Chen Xi said carelessly, "I'm hanging up."

When he was done he hung up the phone.

"Toxic. Some time ago, so many companies engaged us in Huihua. He is indeed famous, but this circle also looks at interests in addition to people's connections." Chen Xi thought of his Buddhist boss, who was a powerful person, " My boss is golden, and the monsters and ghosts still want to attack Huihua?"

"Mr. Chen, Mr. Chen!"

The secretary hurried to report.

Chen Xi asked, "What's going on, what else could happen in the big weekend? He Dingfeng released the draft to black Zhang Qi?"

The secretary shook his head: "No, it's Mr. Zhao's business."

Chen Xi didn't understand: "What's going on with Mr. Zhao??"

The secretary handed over the phone, "That... The scandal between Mr. Zhao and Emperor Pei has been hotly searched."

Chen Xi grabbed the phone: "??????"

Pei Mingzhan's agent, Brother Lao, has been shrewd for seven or eight years, but he didn't expect to be defeated by his own habits for many years. After he recovered, he just wanted to burn the pile of plaid shirts at home.

Lele next to him was still directing other people to press the hot search, so he said to Brother Lao when he worked hard: "Actually, it's not a big deal. We won't admit it if it's a big deal. Anyway, we didn't take a picture of the face, it's fine."

Brother Lao: "Don't you understand that some things are tacit? What you don't admit is completely different from what the fans see in the eyes. Although Lao Pei is going to quit the circle and doesn't care, but these two The hot search for men or the hot search for close friends, this?" This is a situation he has never encountered as Pei Mingzhan's agent for so many years. This one is a big one.

Yao Bai stood on the side to see the situation, and had already called his brother, but there was no call for a while.

"Well, why don't you ask Boss Pei for help?" Lele has already thought of Pei Mingzhan's eldest brother, "Strange, the scandal of Brother Pei was quickly suppressed last time. Why is the public relations of Pei's family so slow this time?"

"Don't worry about Pei's family, put things down first, fans will guess, just ignore it." Brother Lao supported his forehead, "Has the phone been opened by Lao Pei?"

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