Chapter 52

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Honey Cheese is the anchor of a well-known domestic live broadcast platform. Although it is not a big anchor, there are many fans. As soon as he broadcasted the live broadcast today, he saw many fans in the room discussing things on other platforms. After he went off the air and asked the fans he had made friends with, he realized that the content they were discussing was about a certain platform.

The live broadcast industry has sprung up in recent years. Many companies have created live broadcast websites to collect video traffic. The endless stream of anchors and diversified live broadcast formats have driven the development of this industry. Other domestic companies have followed suit when they see this industry is profitable. To establish a live broadcast platform, but most of the platforms failed in the initial drainage, and finally had to withdraw from this competition.

The big platform has acquired a large number of anchors, and it has established a position that will not fail in the country. In recent years, Honey Cheese has seen many companies recruiting anchors under the banner, poaching many big anchors with platform priority recommendation and other benefits as a temptation, but they have all been eliminated in the later operation and market competition. But fans are not very clear about this situation. Some platforms with good conditions put out excellent benefits, which makes them feel that their treasure anchors can become more popular after the past, and they have made peace.

Fans said: [They are talking about this platform, which has not yet started, but I heard that it has been prepared for many years in the early stage, and has been testing it for a while, and it will be launched after a while. Many new anchors want to try it in the past. Even if they fail in the later stage, they can become famous if they are recommended in the early stage, and it is easy to change jobs in the later stage. 】

Honey Cheese has seen many platforms over the years. He can tell which platforms are prepared with heart and which ones are deceptive.

He casually clicked on the posts sent by fans, and found that it was a hot discussion on this platform in the domestic live broadcast circle.

The name of the platform is Zhajiang Noodles Platform. It was founded by a small and well-known studio in China. From the perspective of registered capital and preliminary preparations, it is indeed a company with a lot of background, and it has already surpassed most of the domestic online platforms. . A new platform has such a foundation, and it looks like a platform that really wants to do business seriously.

[Just don't go to the new platform. No matter how good the packaging is in the early stage, if you lose in the traffic competition in the later stage, don't you want to be merged? 】

[But this platform has not yet run, there is such a high degree of discussion, it is not simple. 】

[Don't look at how good-looking the packaging is now, maybe you will be deceived and owed wages or something. Although big platforms have great competition, at least their reputation is there and they are guaranteed. 】

[Isn't the lemon platform also a small platform before? Two years ago, could you imagine that the Lemon platform would become the number one live broadcast platform in China? 】

[This may really be true. There are also cases where new platforms squeeze out old platforms. Maybe Zhajiang Noodles really have that ability. 】

[At least I see that now, there is no platform with such a high degree of discussion before the publicity period has arrived. 】

Honey Cheese suddenly became a little interested in this platform. His development on the Lemon platform during this period of time was not very good. The live broadcast content he made was not the mainstream of the platform. He also thought about whether to switch to popular game live broadcasts, but he chose to give up because of his poor competitive level, and his contract with Lemon Platform is about to end. If this platform really has such good conditions, he might as well consider it. Go down to the new platform and try it out, the premise is that this new platform can stand firm in the early competition.

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