Chapter 62

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Pei Mingzhan made sure that he heard Zhao Yao's words clearly, and he asked a little unexpectedly: "Zhao Yao, are you serious?"

"Well." Zhao Yao rarely explains these things, "Dating in love is in my life plan, and I have thought about it carefully during this period of time. I think you are a suitable love object."

"Dating in love is not a trivial matter, Zhao Yao, you have to think about it." Pei Mingzhan paused for a while, "If we really fall in love, our relationship will no longer be as simple as friends..."

"I know the difference between an ordinary friend and a partner. I also submitted an application to you after careful consideration." Zhao Yao frowned slightly, "Or do you mean to reject me?"

"That's not what I meant." Pei Mingzhan's eyes sank slightly, "Zhao Yao, have you noticed a problem?"

Zhao Yao asked, "What's the problem?"

Pei Mingzhan looked at Zhao Yao seriously, and found that the seriousness in his eyes could not be faked, "If you mean that you choose to invite me to meet in order to further practice the intimate actions in communication, then we are not dating. ."

Zhao Yao vetoed without thinking: "Pei Mingzhan, I hope you have a formal question. I understand the difference between normal communication and ordinary friends."

After he finished speaking, seeing that Pei Mingzhan didn't respond, he added: "I will make this request to you because I think you are the most suitable love object for me among all the people around me."

When Pei Mingzhan heard this, he suddenly smiled: "Do you mean to have feelings for me? Zhao Yao."

Zhao Yao frowned slightly and thought about it: "I think there should be."

The autumn wind in the park is very strong, and there are more and more children running by the lake.

Pei Mingzhan pulled his hat to the side, and held Zhao Yao's hand and walked up his arm.

Zhao Yao originally thought that Pei Mingzhan was testing whether he had feelings for him, so he still let Pei Mingzhan act.

And Pei Mingzhan's hand finally came to Zhao Yao's shoulder, his fingers stretched slightly and hooked his neck and moved forward--

The scent of mint came suddenly, and the knuckles holding his neck were very strong. Zhao Yao touched Pei Mingzhan's slightly hot lips, and the breath belonging to another man enveloped him without restraint. At that moment, he only I feel as if my lips are wrapped in a slight heat, and I can no longer think about other things.

"Brother, what are you doing?"

The child's voice disturbed the atmosphere, Pei Mingzhan calmly let go of his hand, pulled down his hat slightly, turned his head to look at the little boy standing outside the pavilion holding a kite, and said simply, "Teach this brother to do something, Children can't just look at it."

In Pei Mingzhan's studio, Brother Lao is busy taking care of the aftermath of the live broadcast. Only Pei Mingzhan can make a live broadcast when he goes out to eat a farmhouse. If he didn't know that the fried sauce noodle platform is his own platform to advertise , he almost felt that what Pei Mingzhan wanted was to fall in love with someone under the guise of a live broadcast in the wilderness.

"Brother Lao, the comments on the Internet are quite normal." Lele was staring at the comments, but he felt that Brother Lao was making a fuss. These netizens said that Brother Pei and President Zhao would do more food and broadcasting, but they didn't expect to go to that strange place. .

Brother Lao glanced at Lele, and felt that the netizens and the rest of the studio were blinded by Pei Mingzhan, "I'll call Lao Pei, I need to talk about this matter carefully, this live broadcast is not so bad in the countryside. There are many fans, in case he comes to the central square of S for a live broadcast next time, then I can only call the police and let him be taken away."

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