Chapter 73

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It was probably during the winter that the two of them had played too much, and when Pei Mingzhan woke up the next day, he caught a cold in response to Uncle Wang's words, and his voice became hoarse. Although I didn't do it, I just simply teased each other, but it was probably because the water in Pei Mingzhan's warm bath had cooled down, and when he woke up today, his whole body felt a little wrong.

When Zhao Yao woke up, he wanted to kiss a relative, but Pei Mingzhan avoided him and his voice was a little hoarse. He noticed Pei Mingzhan's state, "Don't you catch a cold?"

Pei Mingzhan frowned slightly and couldn't get his spirits up: "It may be that if you keep a distance from me, the infection will be bad."

Uncle Wang boiled **** water to drive away the cold, and when he brought it to the table, he asked Pei Mingzhan to eat something to put his stomach and drink hot **** water, "The flu is also serious during this time. Mr. Pei usually pays attention to adding clothes, and the company also pays attention to ventilation... "

Zhao Yao sat on the other side and saw that Pei Mingzhan put on a mask after eating, "Do you want to rest for the morning? Don't go to work?" During this period of time, due to the company's affairs, Pei Mingzhan also worked overtime and stayed up a few nights. God, plus the overheating last night, this directly caught a cold.

"Uncle Wang, where did he put these clothes last time? Are they thicker?" Zhao Yao frowned slightly, feeling that Pei Mingzhan's suit was still a bit thin. He knew that young people like Pei Mingzhan liked it. Wearing thin and thin, not to mention that Pei Mingzhan has been in the entertainment industry for so many years, and he may also be a little concerned about his external image.

Pei Mingzhan just finished drinking the hot **** water, and his stomach warmed a little, "Actually, it doesn't need to be so troublesome."

"There may be no thick clothes." Uncle Wang thought for a while.

When Zhao Yao heard that his face became worse, he went straight to the cloakroom and took out a long thick windbreaker, "This one is thicker, try if you can wear it, and then put on a scarf."

Seeing Zhao Yao's serious appearance, Pei Mingzhan had no choice but to let him dress up. When he arrived at the company wearing a trench coat and a scarf, he passed the staff area and many employees looked at him.

The company has heating to adjust the temperature. The secretary brought in the documents and was surprised to see that the boss who just went to work was dressed so thickly. The sun outside today is also quite big, and the temperature is a few degrees higher than last week. Why is the boss dressed like this?

However, Pei Mingzhan didn't care, he took off his jacket, "Today's outing is changed to the afternoon, and the meeting is set back an hour."

Only then did the secretary notice that the boss's voice was a bit strange, and soon after he went out, he brought in a cup of tea and brought some throat lozenges, "Boss, there are throat lozenges in this box. You can slow down if your throat is uncomfortable."

Pei Mingzhan glanced at him and took out the box from his coat, which Zhao Yao handed to him before going out.

He simply said: "Thanks, but I have it."

The secretary nodded, why did he feel that the boss had a cold today, but he felt a sense of pride? ?


Soon it was time for Pei Mingzhan's holiday. After he handed over the company's affairs to his confidants, he prepared to fly back to H City with Zhao Yao. When he arrived at Zhao's house, he found another man sitting in the living room of Zhao's house. He also knew that man, Zhao Yao's eldest brother Zhao Changshuo.

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