Chapter 61

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The owner of the farmhouse is surnamed Jiang, so the name of the farmhouse is Xiaojiang Farmhouse Cuisine. The official opening is usually at 11:00 noon, but in the morning, a pair of guests who have made an appointment will arrive after 9:00. There are still a lot of ingredients at home. Boss Jiang can only let the guests go for a stroll nearby, and wait until he sees his son returning with his teammates, Then he greeted: "Have you finished filming your video?"

Jiang Xiaoqi said: "After filming, I will come to help you later."

The family did not object to Jiang Xiaoqi playing games. In the early years, Jiang Xiaoqi won a lot of bonuses from playing games and came back to subsidize the family. After advertising, the name of Xiao Jiang's farm food was released.

Since Jiang Xiaoqi brought his teammates to play games at home, Jiang's father, who has always been big-hearted, naturally supported the child. Until recently, the child said that he wanted to give up his career and come to help at home. This made Jiang's father feel bad. He also heard that the hands of professional players are very valuable, and he would not let his children do these farm work. As a result, Jiang Xiaoqi was stubborn, saying that he was too old to play games, and so on. After arranging the whereabouts of his teammates, he came to the house to help.

"Did anyone come so early today?" Jiang Xiaoqi told Dad Jiang about the encounter with two unfamiliar faces. After all, the place where the two of them went was their vegetable garden.

"The reserved guests, come early." Jiang's father said: "Is your teammate's affairs confirmed? I heard Xiao Wu's child call home yesterday..."

"Don't worry, this thing will be fine." Jiang Xiaoqi put on his apron and suddenly thought of something: "It's broken, I seem to be a few hours short of my live broadcast this month."

Dad Jiang waved: "Come on, if you don't broadcast it now, you won't be able to broadcast it when there are too many guests at night."


The live broadcast contract was signed by the original manager and the live broadcast platform, and it expires at the end of the year. Jiang Xiaoqi will end this time after the broadcast.

The other teammates are gone. Although he intends to inherit the family business, he also wants to continue playing games. It is okay to not be a professional player and be an anchor. He estimates that after the contract ends, he will switch to the Lemon platform to broadcast, and he does not know if he can get it. A better contract.

"Good afternoon, everyone." Jiang Xiaoqi greeted the audience who joined the live broadcast with great enthusiasm, and chatted with people before preparing to play games.

The popularity of the XXD team is average, but there are also many diehard fans. Many people watch Jiang Xiaoqi's live broadcast. They also know that his contract at the end of the year is about to expire. Today should be the last broadcast. Fans also know that the XXD team is about to be disbanded. There is hope that they will not leave, and there is hope that they will continue to stay in the league circle.

"Well, it will be broadcast in the future, don't worry." Jiang Xiaoqi can only say that, because he doesn't know if he can get the ideal platform contract smoothly in the future.

At this moment, Jiang Xiaoqi was playing games on live broadcast after chatting, and suddenly a fan sent several long exclamation points asking him if this was at their farmhouse!

Jiang Xiaoqi's fans knew about Xiaojiang Farmhouse, so when the fan posted a screenshot of his signboard, he quickly responded: "Yeah? This is my Farmhouse, do you want to come over for dinner? Tell me my name and get 20% off."

✓|| Full Level Bigshot Only Takes the Career Path (FLBOTCP) - [Author: 李温酒]Where stories live. Discover now