Chapter 60

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The Zhajiang Noodles platform is online. At this time, it happened to be a live interview of a domestic webcast program. The media responsible for the interview was a well-known secondary media on Weibo, and the target of the new interview was a well-known CV in the circle. Just when the fans squatting on CV Weibo saw that the time was on time, CV Dae sent a live link.

[Wait, why isn't it the live broadcast from before? 】

Fans know that in general Weibo live broadcasts will default to a certain platform, or they will choose the top two major platforms in the country, and such a new and unremarkable platform really makes fans feel very troublesome. Originally, fans planned to quit to find out if there were links to other platforms. However, seeing the layout of the live broadcast room, they suddenly felt that the interface design in the logged-in state of tourists was quite simple.

[This new platform doesn't have so many fancy things. 】

[This shade also looks comfortable, I originally wanted to quit and change to a lemon platform, but it looks okay now. 】

[The login status of tourists is ok, is this a new platform? 】

Soon after entering the interview, fans felt itchy when they saw CV's big answer. When the host said they wanted to collect lucky viewers, the die-hard fans who originally only chose to log in as tourists registered one after another. Only then did they find that the live broadcast interface after registration also changed. Concise and generous, without those redundant advertisements, rewarding comments and other functions are clear and clear.

The most critical problem is here, the clarity and fluency are absolutely perfect.

When they finished watching the live broadcast and were about to quit, the host said at the end of the live broadcast room that the platform would provide benefits to fans and would send 10 random gifts to netizens after the live broadcast, including CV's signature and limited dolls.

fan:! !

Fans who haven't registered and logged in hurriedly took advantage of this time to register to catch up with the live broadcast room to draw benefits, while other fans who were not interested chose to quit the platform long ago.

And when you exit, this webpage pops up to download the client, and reminds you of huge benefits in small print.

Netizen: Huh? And benefits? ?

Netizens who are a little interested in this platform and often watch live broadcasts can click to download and see the situation.

The launch of the Zhajiang Noodles platform was not widely publicized, but through the promotion of live broadcast in cooperation with other circles, the first wave of user circles were unknowingly expanded. There are many other old platforms that pay attention to the fried sauce noodle platform, including an old platform Pencil platform that occupies a lot of traffic. Seeing that the live broadcast circle is dominated by the Lemon platform, the live broadcast circle has a little less traffic and a little chance to make money, and the suppression circle for the new platform has also formed unconsciously.

Boss Wang of the Pencil Platform saw that the traffic on the Zhajiang Noodles platform was not bad on the first day, so he thought of using the old method to suppress this new platform, so as not to affect the traffic of the Pencil platform later, he told the platform management after calling other bosses: "You let the platform do some new activities these days."

The platform's internal activities and competitions can promote the enthusiasm of the anchors to live broadcast, while external activities can attract a large number of users to watch the live broadcast.

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