Chapter 32

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The car drove all the way to the underground parking lot in the wealthy area of ​​the city center. The agent watched Pei Mingzhan get out of the car and left, and then he remembered: "What did he say before? Is he really cooking?"

Assistant Lele thought for a while and said: "No, Brother Pei seems to have said that he came here to send tickets. The premiere of "Jianghu" is coming, maybe he invited Mr. Zhao over there?"

"Isn't the ticket for Yao Bai?" The agent was confused. He told Pei Mingzhan about sending the ticket to Mr. Zhao, and even sent the ticket to Huihua to Assistant Mr. Zhao. Why did Pei Mingzhan return the ticket? Got a door-to-door ticket? ? ?


When Pei Mingzhan came to Zhao Yao's residence for the first time, as soon as he entered the door, he heard the sound of a TV not far away.

The temperature in the room is suitable, Zhao Yao is sitting in the living room watching TV, with water and fruit on the coffee table in front of him.

"Master, Mr. Pei is here." Uncle Wang said.

"Yeah." Zhao Yao replied lightly, his eyes still on the TV.

Pei Mingzhan handed the dishes he brought to Uncle Wang, and after explaining a few words to him, he walked over to Zhao Yao.

Uncle Wang glanced at the content of the broadcast with some concern. He remembered that it was Mr. Pei's TV series that was broadcast before. Why is it now replaced by another drama? Did he remember it wrong?

"Don't you mean running activities during this time? The movie is about to be released, why do you still have time to come to me?"

Zhao Yao pressed pause and turned to look at Pei Mingzhan who was sitting beside him.

Pei Mingzhan handed an envelope to Zhao Yao, "Just after the event ended, I dropped by to give you a ticket. Jianghu will premiere in a few days, and you said a while ago that you would like to see it."

Only then did Zhao Yao notice the clothes on Pei Mingzhan's body. Although he was dressed simply, he still looked quite formal. He asked in confusion, "Didn't Yao Bai take it before?"

"Really?" Pei Mingzhan said, "I don't know."

Zhao Yao glanced slightly, and saw Uncle Wang who was walking away holding several bags of things in his hand, "Did you bring other things?"

"I think it's not good to come empty-handed, and you like to eat hometown food in H City." Pei Mingzhan gave a small meal, "I just stopped by the supermarket and bought something, do you want to try it?"

Zhao Yao thought that Pei Mingzhan was just joking, but the two talked for a while, and Pei Mingzhan went to the kitchen to help Uncle Wang. In the past, Yao Bai would also come to the house to eat rice, but Pei Mingzhan was the first to cook at home with his own ingredients.

Zhao Yao was a little novel, he just pressed play, the sound of the TV series sounded again, but his thoughts drifted farther away.

When it comes to cooking, he always thinks of his mother who got off work early in the past, and came home to cook him a small dish that he liked. She doesn't look like a wealthy lady at all. She doesn't like shopping and embroidery, and her favorite things are always very simple.

In the past, he thought that these dishes were made by his mother's own methods, but because of Pei Mingzhan, he realized that this was the practice of hometown dishes in H City.

The TV series in front of him suddenly lost interest. The sound from the kitchen made Zhao Yao a little interested. He took the crutches on the side and planned to go to the kitchen to check the situation.

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