Chapter 56

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In the Pei family's mansion in H City, Pei's mother is talking to her eldest son on her mobile phone, "Pepe will be back in a few days, right?"

The eldest brother of the Pei family said simply: "He came to H City to record a variety show, and he will come home after the end."

Halfway through his words, the phone rang.

Mother Pei hadn't seen her younger son for a long time. She thought that she would only meet during the New Year, but she didn't expect to come back in two days. In the past two days, she asked her aunt at home to clean up, and when Pei Mingzhan came back, she would be able to check in directly.

"Hot search?" Brother Pei frowned, "Did you find out who did it?"

Mother Pei heard the words and looked at her eldest son, and would mention that hot searches are generally about the younger son. Pei Mingzhan has been in the entertainment industry for many years, and she has also learned a lot about the entertainment industry, and she is no stranger to hot searches. She clicked into the hot search to check the situation, and as a result, she saw the hot search for illegitimate meals.

She handed the phone to her eldest son, "Boss, why is this hot search still hanging?"

The eldest brother of the Pei family was letting his subordinates deal with it. He originally thought it was just a simple pressure to go on. He didn't expect that the person who bought the hot search was still a stubborn person. He simply said: "It's okay, it will be suppressed in a while."

Mother Pei swiped the hot search, "Is Pei Pei alright, do you really have illegitimate powder?"

The elder brother of the Pei family explained patiently: "It's alright, that person was arrested, and all the things on the Internet are the heat created by someone who deliberately bought the navy."

Mother Pei swiped to the official blog of the leisure program group, and saw that someone was mentioning the word 'Huihua', and then she thought of something: "Is there Xiao Yao's company behind this show? I also noticed it during this time, it seems that they The company is often on hot searches."

"Hot searches are not necessarily all bad, but it's not easy. I'll tell you when things come to an end." Pei's eldest brother did little other than asking the public relations team to press Pei Mingzhan's hot searches.

Mother Pei scratched her phone and said worriedly, "I heard about the Zhao family. Xiao Yao just came out of the group. If anything happens to him during this time, you can help him."

She used to be classmates with Zhao Yao's mother, and the house in the suburbs was adjacent to Zhao Yao's grandfather's house. Later, they rarely returned to the suburbs. Zhao Yao's grandfather died a few years ago, and the connection between the two families gradually diminished. , but there are occasional exchanges during the festivals.

Brother Pei nodded: "I know."

The subordinate took the order to work. Brother Pei and Mother Pei looked at the hot search, thinking whether to call Pei Mingzhan.

At this time, Brother Pei's cell phone rang again, with Pei Mingzhan's name displayed on it.

Brother Pei raised his voice, and before he could speak, he heard Pei Mingzhan's slightly anxious voice-

"Brother, ask your family doctor to come over, and I'll send you the address."

Brother Pei and Mother Pei were stunned when they heard the words, doctor?


Zhao Yao has a fever.

After hearing Uncle Wang's explanation, Pei Mingzhan realized that Zhao Yao had a tendency to catch a cold in the afternoon. Uncle Wang boiled the **** water to ward off the cold in time and prepared cold medicine, but he didn't expect that Zhao Yao had just rested for less than half an hour. It burned.

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