Chapter 8

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"Almost." Yao Bai saw that Zhao Yao was a little interested in Pei Mingzhan, so he continued: "He is on the hot search, and the fans are dying of anxiety."

"Black hot search?" Zhao Yao asked suspiciously.

"Hey brother, do you understand this too?" Yao Bai was surprised, "It's not a black hot search. If he is hacked now, the army of fans can spray Heizi to death with a single spit."

"what is that?"

Zhao's public relations department is always concerned about various public opinion trends on the Internet. Weibo is also an important platform, and the hot search is a ranking list with high exposure. Zhao Yao has paid attention to these, and naturally knows a thing or two. Celebrities often hang on hot searches because this is an excellent exposure position, but the exposure is also divided into good and bad.

"Isn't that the last time it was reported on the Internet that Pei Mingzhan was going to quit the circle? Fans didn't believe it, thinking it was gossip." Yao Bai flipped through the hot search and showed Zhao Yao, "Then the product endorsed by Pei Mingzhan was terminated before the fans. Note that he really intends to retire."

Zhao Yao lost interest after a glance, and then took the mobile phone given by Yao Bai and started to browse the Weibo of those bloggers. And Yao Bai was attracted by Zhao Yao, and he started to talk about gossip in the entertainment circle.

Yao Bai came to help Zhao Yao as a thug as soon as he graduated. It has not been a year since he was Zhao Yao's assistant. The two are friends, and they rarely mention these things when they are working. But recently he found that Zhao Yao was interested in some things outside of work. He not only began to study the relationship between the two sexes, but also began to pay attention to some entertainment news, so he dared to tell him about these things.

"I also read an article about the guests on the blind date show you watched a few days ago." Yao Bai said, "A paparazzi filmed him suspected of cheating in marriage. I just watched the video that broke the news."

Zhao Yao responded without a word, but his eyes were on the phone.

I have to say that Yao Bai recommends these bloggers to have a few Weibo angles that are not bad, which are completely different from the reference books he read, but their views are somewhat reasonable.

"The man probably won't be able to get up. I heard that his original economic company has been unable to transfer funds recently, and there are a lot of projects that are not broadcast. They are already contacting the person who took over." Yao Bai said in a nostalgic way: "I think When I was in high school, I often heard from my star-chasing friends that Huihua was also a big company in the entertainment industry, but I didn't expect it to reach this point now, which is a pity."


Zhao Yao suddenly remembered something when he heard this, "Are you talking about Chen Xi's Huihua culture?"

"Oh yes, brother, do you know Chen Xi?" Yao Bai asked.

Zhao Yao knew that Chen Xi was in his previous life. After he took over the Zhao Group, there were also entertainment companies, but they were not as developed as those old-fashioned companies. Huihua's Chen Department is a well-known entertainment star in the circle. Zhao Yao has met him twice because of business matters.

At that time, Huihua had developed into one of the largest companies in the industry. He heard that Huihua had encountered a crisis before, and when it was about to be unable to survive, he met a rich second generation who played tickets to help him.

After that, Chen Xian turned the tide, and the previously suppressed dramas were broadcast one by one. The company that was on the verge of bankruptcy came back to life and became a well-known domestic company.

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