Chapter 11

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S City has a deep cultural heritage. "Cultural Tourism" is the most popular domestic tourism variety show on Strawberry Channel. Every episode will invite several celebrities and amateurs to travel together. The recording of the new episode is set in S City. This job was signed for a while. At that time, in order to cooperate with the finalized promotion of "Jianghu", Pei Mingzhan signed this popular slow comprehensive.

"Today's itinerary is basically to walk around several famous scenic spots in S City, and the director team also gave a general process, and should be able to do a few mini games." The agent chatted with Pei Mingzhan in the dressing room, "Recording the itinerary It should end in the afternoon, do you go back to work or go home to rest after get off work?"

The makeup artist has finished putting on the makeup, and the director team outside came to urge a few times.

Pei Mingzhan opened his eyes: "If it ends early, go to the company."

The agent nodded: "After all, it was recorded outside. It is estimated that fans will follow in several scenic spots today, so pay attention to safety."

Except for the four fixed resident guests and amateurs, the rest are flying guests. The guests in this issue are mainly Pei Mingzhan and the supporting actors of the Jianghu crew. The two were warmly welcomed by others as soon as they arrived at the recording site.

This year, Pei Mingzhan has fewer and fewer work schedules and less exposure to the public. This time I heard that he was going to record a cultural tour. Many fans were waiting at the recording site early, and even the director team had to increase security.

The opening was a routine inquiry. Pei Mingzhan cooperated with the host to answer a few questions. The director team, together with the recording team, was about to start moving to another location for recording. The first location was the Cultural Park in the South District of S City. The amateur who teamed up with Pei Mingzhan was a little girl with glasses and looked quiet and gentle. When Pei Mingzhan asked her a question, she always took a while to answer.

The director team of the cultural tour arrived at the venue ahead of schedule, and soon after arriving there, a staff member came over: "Director, I have been in touch with the activities at the cultural theater."

"Ok." The director flipped through the script, "For a while, when the guest group is engaged in activities, pay attention to the situation there, and discuss the materials and cooperation with the activities there, right?"

"It's been discussed, the organizer is very happy to hear that it will be on TV for publicity." The staff said: "It's that the flow of people at the blind date there is larger than we expected."

The director thought for a while: "Then pay attention to the security, don't go wrong. Let the guests breathe, and pay attention to safety when you go there after playing games."

The program team also set up a small game on the cultural park side, and set up a range of hide-and-seek, and also set up a lot of amateur NPCs. It happened to happen that the cultural park was holding a blind date event, so the program team discussed with the blind date meeting held in the theater. The person responsible for the blind date meeting was an administrator of the organizer.

Staff: "Okay."


Yao Bai pushed Zhao Yao to enjoy the shade under the small pergola on one side of the theater. From time to time, he glanced at the organizer's place in the middle of the theater, for fear that Yao's mother would suddenly appear.

Zhao Yao's eyes stayed on the nearest table. The man was an office worker who looked like he was in his thirties. He came to the blind date with a briefcase. He was dressed in formal clothes on a hot day, and his bright forehead was sweating. After a while, a girl came to take a seat, which happened to be the daughter of the middle-aged aunt who had just yelled at the door.

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