Chapter 98

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The paparazzi enthusiastically sent the photos back to the studio, and the editor-in-chief called after seeing the photos and yelled, "Who did you take?"

The paparazzi was stunned, "Didn't I tell you on the phone just now? Pei Mingzhan and President Zhao of Huihua Culture."

"You don't know who Pei Mingzhan is? Haven't all those scandalous scandals been suppressed in recent years, is this the first time you have been in the circle? I don't know the unspoken rule in the industry is to touch Pei Mingzhan less, if you still want to do it again A few years." The editor-in-chief said angrily, "And Mr. Zhao, Huihua can develop like this, do you think he is a person who has no hard skills?"

During this period of time, Pei Mingzhan and Zhao Yao have often been searched for their brotherhood, and there are many fans of both sides who are knocking CP, but few people have contacted that the two really have that kind of relationship. The editor-in-chief said after scolding the person: "It's not that these two people can't take pictures. With their status, these pictures are very valuable. But what kind of thing are you taking? I just hugged a few times, what kind of stone hammer?"

The paparazzi are very confused, because when they broke the news about other stars in the past, such a photo with a profile face has already been hammered.

"If you put something like this on the Internet, you can wash it without a hammer. The team behind the two of them is not easy." The anchor said patiently: "If you want to make a lot of money, you have to shoot hard, you know?"

Looking at these photos, the paparazzi wondered, what else could he take well?


When Feng Mu returned to the company, he was directly called to a meeting by the senior management to discuss the previous plan in detail, while his assistant was completely absent. Later, he inquired about it and it turned out that he was directly transferred to another department. Feng Mu was angry. He didn't expect that the person who taught him directly would turn out to be a scowling wolf. He trusted him to say such words, but he ended up stabbing them all over the top.

Now he is directly promoted to work in other departments, completely ignoring him.

"Director Feng, I heard that your plan has been rejected again?" As soon as Feng Mu entered the conference room, the colleagues sitting beside him began to sneer.

"Don't bother, it's our technical department's business." Feng Mu glanced at him and said nothing.

This time he came back and gained a lot. The new plan may be able to solve the previous difficulties. Not surprisingly, this time he should be able to successfully persuade the top management to try the new plan, and at least half a year will be able to show new results.

Soon, others came in one after another. When the meeting started, and the speaker directly finalized the technical department's functional plan for the next quarter, Feng Mu was immediately stunned.

"Didn't you say that you would give the technical department time to solve the problem?" Feng Mu stood up and retorted: "And I also mentioned a plan. The plan can be prioritized to implement functions in stages. I will solve the technical difficulties. You promise to give the technical department one. months."

"Director Feng, you also have to consider the cost of investment in this matter. Our request to the technical department at that time was to solve the problem at this stage, and the plan you proposed will take one or two years." The senior said: "Your plan can Solve existing problems?"

"The technical department can also solve the problem you raised, but it's just a long-term problem..." Feng Mu frowned, "This matter is negotiable, and you didn't exchange information with the technical department before finalizing the plan."

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