Episode 8: Meet Team Rocket

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(Warning to all audiences: I am introducing Team Rocket here and in this version, they do carry lethal weapons and they do kill people with those weapons because I am want them to be as badass as possible and a force to be reckoned with. You have been warned. I hope you enjoy it.)

It is the next day and Red is battling a Bug Catcher trainer named Bugsy.

Busy is a boy with a feminine purple bob hair and purple eyes, wearing a straw hat.

"Charmander, Ember", hollered Red.

"Scyther, Quick Attack", Bugsy yells.

Scyther flies and charges at Charmander and misses upon trying to get Charmander with its sword-like arms. Charmander jumps out of the way and shoots a small flame at Pinsir. Pinsir gets so burned, it faints. Busy looks at his Pinsir and returns it to his Pokeball.

"I lost here and it is a good loss", said Bugsy. "You and Charmander make a great team. That Charmader is like a Caterpie. As it grows and evolves, it will become something almost like a Butterfree. As for me, I am going to continue raising my Bug Type Pokemon to make them stronger and we can have a rematch if you want".

This amazes Red upon being told this.

"Thanks, I'd like that Bugsy", said Red. "Your Scyther, Kakuna, and Paras were awesome too".

"See you around Red, especially you too Charmander", said Bugsy, leaving.

As Bugsy walks away, Red returns Charmander away into his PokeBall and goes to rejoin Blue and Leaf.

"How did that battle go?", asked Blue.

"Awesome", said Red proudly.

"That's good", said Leaf warmly.

Later in the day and suddenly without warning, an explosion happens, the three flying off their feet. As Red gets up, he heard three sinister evil laughs. He looks behind him and sees three black figures standing before him. They are all wearing black outfits with a big red R on it.

"You have something that belongs to us", said the woman.

"What?", asked Red, confused.

"What he means is, you stole our Mew", said the first man.

Blue and Leaf stand next to Red.

"Your Mew?" Blue breaks in. "So you're the low life bozos who set those traps to catch Mew. If I were you, I would get lost".

"How dare you talk to her like that," snaps the second man.

"Well, how dare you hurt Mew with those booby traps you set up", Leaf shrieks.

The three wicked individuals grin evilly.

"Allow us to introduce ourselves", the woman bellows. "We are Rocket Grunts to the greatest organization in the world, Team Rocket".

Neither Red, Blue or Leaf looked impressed. Whoever these guys were, they mean trouble.

"Now, hand over Mew or else", the Woman Grunt bellows.

Red throws his PokeBall out and out comes Mew. Mew looked at them fiercely.

"Quick! Grab that Pokemon", the Woman Grunt shouts.

The three Rocket Grunts take a bag and jump at Mew. The bag goes over Mew and does not make any movement. Pleased with their success, they whooped and opened up to see their catch.



A small blast of fire blasts at the Rocket Grunts off their feet. They look in front of them and see Charmander standing before them. Blue and Leaf suddenly break down laughing, which make the Rocket Grunts angry with humiliation.

"You're gonna pay for that," snarled the Woman Grunt under the ashes. "NOW HAND OVER MEW OR ELSE WE'LL TAKE IT BY FORCE".

Leaf and Blue throws out their Pokeballs and out comes Bulbasaur and Squirtle.

The Rocket Grunts throws their Pokeballs out and out comes a cat Pokemon, a floating head Pokemon, and a snake Pokemon. Red pulled out his PokeDex and it identifies them as Meowth, Koffing, and Ekans.

"If you want Mew so badly, you'll have to battle us for it", Red proclaimed. "Why are you after Mew anyway".

"Because the Boss told us so", said the First Man Grunt. "And he has secret plans for any Pokemon we bring for him".

The Woman Grunt and Second Man Grunt glare at him.

"Way to go, you dumb egg", the Woman Grunt shouts.

"If the Boss finds out about this, he's going to kill us", said the Second Man Grunt.

The First Man Grunt looks at himself ashamed. The three turn to Red, Blue, and Leaf.

"You're all in big trouble now", said the woman Grunt.

"First you take Mew and now you make us say too much. MEOWTH SCRATCH!".

"CHARMANDER, EMBER", Red hollered.

"KOFFING, SMOG", the first man Grunt shouted.

"SQUIRTLE, BUBBLE", Blue yelled.

"EKANS, ACID", screamed the second man Grunt.

"BULBASAUR, VINE WHIP", Leaf shrieked.

Meowth charges at Charmander, who blasts Meowth with a small blaze of fire. Koffing sent a gassy fog at Squirtle.

"Squirtle, look out", Blue hollered.

Squirtle jumps out of the way and sent bubbles at Koffing. Ekans spat a purple liquid at Bulbasaur.

"Bulbasaur, watch out for that acid", Green called. "When you do, Tackle it".

Bulbasaur moves out of the way and charges at Ekans. Bulbasaur tackles again and Ekans faints. Charmander keeps attacking Meowth with Ember and when Meowth got close enough to attack it.

"Charmander, Scratch now", Red called.

Charmander raises its arms and scratches before Meowth could scratch it first and then Meowth fainted.

"Tackle, Tackle, Tackle," Blue told Squirtle.

Squirtle kepting using Tackle to beat Koffing which of course it did. Koffing then fainted. Now furious with their loss in their battle. The Rocket Grunt return their Pokemon and then they jump at Leaf and the Second Man Grunt puts a knife across her neck.

"Hand over Mew or she dies", the Woman Grunt said threatenly.

Blue gasps at the sight of this. Red found himself standing unsure what to do. Leaf is one his best friends and Mew is a special rare Pokemon that needs to be kept a secret.

"Okay, fine", Red gives in as he hands a Pokeball to them. "Here take Mew and let her go and then get the heck away from us".

Red throws them a Pokeball and then the Second Man Grunt pushes Leaf to the ground.

"Now that was not so hard, wasn't it", the Woman Grunt sneers. "If you ever try to interfere with our plans again, that Charmander, Squirtle, and Bulbasaur is as good as ours for the taking".

The Rocket Grunta then turn and leave Red, Blue, and Leaf.

"Red, I like what you did, but you gave away Mew", Leaf said, disappointed, getting on her feet.

Blue nods his head.

Red shakes his head and then pulls a Pokeball and out came Mew, standing heroically.

Blue and Leaf gasp with awe.

"Okay, very clever, Red", said Blue, astonished.
"What did you give those guys anyway?"

"Nothing much, just an extra but rogue Beedrill I caught earlier", Red sneered.

Now Blue and Leaf can see it now. In a few minutes, screams of terror were heard in the distance. Immediately, the three friends broke down laughing, including Mew, knowing what just happened. Then Mew looks at Red with amazement and appears to be grateful as it flies at Red and hugs him. Red hugs back and then returns Mew to the Pokeball.

Meanwhile, Yellow looks at them in the distance amazed by what she saw and stunned by what she just saw. She angrily walks away, not pleased by seeing their victory.

Pokémon: Red, Blue, and Leaf Version (Completed, Edited)Where stories live. Discover now