Pokemon Short: The P1 Championship

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In the next town, Red, Blue, and Leaf go to the Pokémon Center to call Erika.

"Awesome job, Red, Blue, and Leaf", said Erika, delighted to hear the news, delighted on the phone. "As for your reward, I am giving tickets for the P1 Championship, hosted by...Jesse and James. When you get to Fuschia City.

"Whooooooo", Red, Blue, and Leaf yell joyfully.

"Don't forget to deliver medicine ingredients to the pharmacist so he can make it", Erika reminds them.

"How do we find the Pharmacist?", asked Red.

"Easy, the Pharmacist is the Gym Leader in Fuchsia City", said Erika. "Making medicine is what he does".

Red, Blue, and Leaf are suddenly amazed with awe.

Later Red, Blue, and Leaf go to the P1 Championship stadium and watch everyone's favorite rockstars, Jesse and James, host it. Everyone, including Red, Blue, and Leaf applaud them.

"Man, this is way too exciting", Leaf announces.

Red and Blue agree.

The Pokémon match starts between Rebecca with her Pokémon, Hitmonchan and Hitmonlee versus her father Anthony and his Pokémon, Machamp and Primeape.

"Hitmonlee starts with a High Jump Kick, Machamp attacks with a Karate Chop", the announcer.

Hitmonchan focuses on punching Machamp while Machamp counters it with its own punches and acrobatics. Primeape focuses on Hitmonlee, who aims to kick at it. Due to Primeape's acrobatic abilities, Hitmonlee is having difficulty landing a hit with its kicks.

Attack after attack and the victor remains undecided.

While Red, Blue, and Leaf are watching...

"Wow, that Rebecca is tough", said Red. "She must have worked hard with Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan".

"Yeah", said Blue.

"Her father Anthony and his Primeape and Machamp are tougher, Red", said Leaf. "Rebecca is a rookie like us. Anthony is a master. Rebecca is totally gonna lose".

Hitmonchan finally hits Machamp with a very fast punch at blinding speed and it faints. Hitmonlee succeeds and lands a major jump kick at Primeape and it faints.

"And...Rebecca wins", the announcer shouts.

"Talk about family tradition", said Blue.

"I couldn't agree more", said a voice behind the three trainers.

Red hears this and turns around to see the purple haired girl, sitting in the seat behind them, watching the match, clapping for Rebecca's victory.

Red turns back to watch the Pokémon match, feeling concerned. Okay, is this person following them now?

After the match, Red couldn't help but look behind him constantly. He is now one hundred percent certain the purple haired girl from Hophophop Town he encountered is officially following him and his friends.

All this annoys Blue and Leaf.

"Oh my gosh, Red give it up, there is no one following us", said Blue.

"I know I kept seeing her in every town and city after Celadon City, she's definitely following us", said Red. "Wherever we go, she's right behind us".

"Well I didn't see her, Red, you're probably imagining it", said Leaf.

Red scowls at his friends.

"Whenever, I know what I saw", Red growls.

Red looks behind him and suddenly sees the purple haired girl walking behind them.

"There she is now", he yells.

Blue and Leaf look behind them and...she is gone. Blue and Leaf then frown at Red.

"She was just behind us", said Red.

"One more out of this Red, and then Blue and I are taking you to a doctor", Leaf snaps.

Pokémon: Red, Blue, and Leaf Version (Completed, Edited)Where stories live. Discover now