Episode 12: A Blessing from the Mysterious Garden

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"Magnemite, Thundershock".

"Charmander, Ember".



Charmander sends a blaze of fire at Magnemite before it could attack, burning it. Magnemite faints and falls to the ground as Red and Charmander stand there looking at the trainer.

"You lost the Pokemon battle here Super Nerd Miguel, now hand over those fossils you stole or else", Red said firmly.

Charmander is standing in front of him, growling and ready to blast fire out at any moment. A tall man with glasses stares at his burned Magnemite with disappointment. Suddenly, a bright light shines around Charmander and it starts changing. Red immediately realizes what is happening.

"Charmander's evolving", Red yelps.

After the bright light clears, their standing is a bipedal, reptilian Pokémon. It has dark red scales and a cream underside from the chest down. It has blue eyes and a long snout with a slightly hooked tip. On the back of its head is a single horn-like protrusion. It has relatively long arms with three sharp claws. Its short legs have plantigrade feet with three claws and cream-colored soles. The tip of its long, powerful tail has a flame burning on it.

"Charmeleon!", it said.

Amazed, Red pulls out his Pokédex.

Charmeleon, the evolved form of Charmander. It has an aggressive nature which uses its sharp claws, long tail, and fire power.", said Dexter.

As Red puts away his Pokédex, he feels something grab left leg and finds Charmeleon cuddling next to it, affectionately. Red pets it and turns to Miguel.

"Now, where were we?", said Red." Oh yes, I believe you were going to give back to the fossils you stole".

Miguel frowns in refusal.

"CHARRRRRRRR", said Charmeleon as he got up and sends a burst of flame at Miguel, burning him.

"All right, all right, fine, you win", Miguel yells as he throws his two fossils at Red. "Take them and go. Also, a word of advice, take them to a science building on Cinnabar Island. I heard rumors of a resurrection machine there".

Miguel turns to leave and leaves Red with wonder.

Red and Charmeleon continue through the cave and find Blue, staring at Squirtle.

"Blue, what happened? Where's Leaf?", asked Red.

"We got separated after she and I were ambushed by several Rocket Grunts and we won by driving them away", said Blue. "Then Squirtle here is now acting strange, probably hurt from the battle. Leaf runs off to find a way out of this cave and says she'd find us as soon as she found it."

Red, Blue, and Squirtle walk through the cave after reaching outside the cave and through a field. While walking in the field, a Caterpie jumps out in front of them. Squirtle suddenly shoots a Bubble attack at the wild Caterpie, causing it to faint, startling Red and Blue.

Then a bright light-covers Squirtle .

"Oh my gosh, what's happening to my Squirtle", Blue yelps.

"Blue, it's evolving", said Red.

"Evolving?", Blue echoes.

Squirtle begins to change into a bipedal, indigo Pokémon similar to a turtle. It has brown eyes, a dark blue streak on each cheek, and two sharp teeth protruding from its upper jaw. It has three clawed fingers and pointed toes. On each side of its head are feather-like ears covered in pale blue fur. A brown shell with a pale yellow underside encases its body. A thick, white rim separates the upper and lower halves of the shell. Poking out of the bottom of the shell is a thick, wavy tail that also has light blue fur and cannot be fully withdrawn into its shell.

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