Episode 63: The Rock-A-Lanch in Pewter City

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Pewter City doesn't look anything like it used to be. When Corey, Reina, and Ariana and several Rocket Grunts appear, they see that the buildings have crumbled down and there are dozens of worship idols everywhere. Both humans and Pokemon were all working to rebuild buildings under slave owners the clones and giants. In addition the group hears lots of painful screaming as if some people are getting tortured or something, which causes them to shiver with fear.

"This looks...bad", said Corey.

"Bad?", Reina repeats. "Bad? Corey, I come from a place known for being spooky and creepy and we'd called this...horrifying".

"That's right, you're from Lavender Town, Reina", said Corey. "You know what true scare is".

"I just feel bad it's not me that's causing it", said Ariana.

Corey and Ariana give an angry look at Ariana unimpressed.

"How do you Rocket Grunts live with yourselves?", said Corey angrily.

"I could be asking the same question about you?", said Ariana angrily.

"I will show you a real Pokemon Trainer lives with himself", Corey yells.

Corey and Ariana walk to each other with a fist clenched and a Pokeball in each hand. Reina quickly gets between them, pushing them away.

"Stop it both of you, save it until after we deal with Eevoreon", Reina yells.

Corey and Ariana give each other dirty looks and put away their Pokeballs. They walk on and on, carefully trying to avoid being seen and suddenly...

"Did you feel that?", asked Corey.

"Feel what?", asked Reina confused

"I think stepped on something on...hairy", said Corey.

They look on the ground and nothing to be seen.

"Let's bend low and feel around for it", Reina suggests.

"There is no way I am going to bend low and touch something disgusting", Ariana snapped.

"Then you and your Rocket Grunts can stand and watch", Corey said angrily.

Corey and Reina bend low and crawl around the ground and look for the hairy object.

"Found it", said Corey. "Impressive, it's perfectly camouflaged into the ground".

Reina goes to him and sees it. It looks like a giant ball of hair.

"Hey it feels like...human hair", said Corey, touching it again. "I can feel something solid in it".

"Human hair?" Reina echoes. "Gross".

Then they hear groaning from the hairy object.

"Corey, it's a person", said Reina. "Let's dig him out".

"No problem Reina, leave that to Sandslash", Corey declares.

Corey then withdraws his Sandslash.

"Sandslash, there's a person under here, can you dig him out?", said Corey.

"Sannndslash", said Sandslash nodding.

Sandslash then digs and digs out the hairy out until...

"Brock", they all yelp.

Sandslash had dug out Brock and pulls him out of the ground. Brock gasps for air as he realizes he can finally breathe. Seeing he's been rescued, he then smiles at them weakly.

"Thanks Sandslash", said Corey, returning Sandslash to its Pokeball. "You did great".

"Now I know what it feels like to be buried alive", said Brock.

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