Episode 45: The Attack of Articuno and Suicune

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Arriving and running into Cruise Land Port

"Red, Blue, and Leaf, hurry", Ralph shouts. "The ship is getting ready to leave".

Ralph and Corey are standing in the ship's deck and Red, Blue, and Leaf are running as fast as they can and the ship is starting to raise its anchor.

Ralph throws a rope at them and Blue catches it and swings on board and he climbs up. Corey then withdraws Pidgeot and sends it to pick up Leaf. But for some reason, it did not pick up Red, causing Corey to groan. Corey is about to send Pidgeot to pick up Red but...Janine suddenly appears out of nowhere and picks up Red and she leaps from the doc and lands on the ship's deck with no trouble.

"Thanks Janine", said Red, half jokingly. "We can have your revenge here if we want".

Janine smirks and then shakes her head.

"Nah, I am saving it for the Pokemon League", said Janine.

"I get it, you're waiting so it will be at our fullest potential", said Red.

Janine nods.

The Ticketmaster comes to them.

"Right in the nick of time", said the Ticketmaster. "Tickets, please".

Red, Blue, and Leaf give their tickets and scans them and leaves.

Ralph picks up Red, Blue, and Leaf with his arms.

"You three are hanging out with us on this trip", said Ralph.

They all go to a room and everyone they know is there, including Fergus, Neesha, Lara, Reina, Duplica, Sparky, Pyro, Reiner, Chopper, and Tyra.

The moment they walked in, applause erupts. "The Captain gave this area to us", said Ralph.

"Meowth, that's right", said Meowth. "Luckily, we heard you were coming so we fought hard to make sure those rooms were for you".

When evening comes, Red, Blue, and Leaf go to their room together. After walking all day and now being exhausted, they all fall asleep in their beds.

To pass the time, Red, Blue, and Leaf play games with their friends. They played chess, checkers, video games, and all sorts of games. The ship sails near the Seafoam Islands and Red, Blue, and Leaf and all of their friends watch it with amazement.

"Uh-oh, we need to stop at the Seafoam islands for repairs", said an announcement.

Red, Blue, Leaf and everyone groans.

The ship veers toward the Seafoam Islands and ports there, everyone is forced to get off the ship while the crew repairs the ship. Upon getting closer to the island...

"Holy cow, it's cold", Blue yells, covering his body with his arms.

Red quickly goes to get coats, gloves, and hats provided to the passengers.

After landing on the island, Red, Blue, and Leaf notice Seel, Dewgong, Slowpoke, Slowbro, and Jynx playing on the ice and immediately leave the boat to catch them. Then a came waiting.

"I am bored, let's go exploring", said Red.

Blue and Leaf agree.

Red, Blue, Leaf, Janine, and Ralph, Corey, Fergus, and Neesha go hiking in the caves on the island. They did not venture too far because they want to hear when the ship is repaired. While they are hiking they get back on the ship. Suddenly a loud screeching sound is getting louder and louder. Then out of nowhere, a large long sky blue bird appears and looks at them.

The bird is a large avian Pokémon with predominantly sky blue plumage and wings said to be made of ice. On its forehead is a crest that consists of three, darker blue rhombus-shaped feathers. It has circular red eyes, a short gray beak, and long, thin gray legs. Each foot has three forward-facing toes and one that faces backward. On its chest is a mass of pale blue, downy feathers. Its long, streamer-like tail is longer than its body and the same shade of blue as its crest".

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