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If my life was a screenplay, Amy's reaction on my revelations about my conversation with (99%-sure-) Shawn Mendes, it would have looked like that:


[Friday, 03:20 pm, Amy's apartment; outside, it's snowing; the two young women are preparing themselves for a party]

Amy: I have nothing to wear.

Mandy: Didn't you by this nice skirt in black last week?

Amy: Did I?

Mandy: Uh-h.

Amy: Well, I don't think, I will find something for the party. [Theatralik:] I have nothing to wear. I don't know, if I will ever be able to go outside, again.

Mandy: That's a shame, cause Shawn Mendes asked me to come to his concert next week, and I have backstage passes and cards for an exklusive meet & greet.

Amy: [continues speaking about the party] I don't know, if I will ever fit again in my clothes. They all seem to be so... improper.
[Makes a short pause. Her eyes widen.] Wait. What?

Mandy: [nods with a bright grin]

Amy: [*screams*]


Amy: But I have nothing to wear!

Mandy: What about the black skirt?

Amy: Let's go shopping.

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