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Pickering, Sunday evening. Dinnertime.
"Mum, I really don't know if we should go", I say, when my mum and I are getting ready for going to the Mendes-house. The last twenty minutes, I stared into the mirroir, discussing with myself, if I should follow Shawns uninvitation and avoid another battle of looks, or if should follow Karens invitation, and just ignore him the whole evening.

"Why shouldn't we go?", my mum asks really surprised. Are you nervous, because Shawn Mendes is going to be there, too?" She looks at me frowning and then with a smile. "Oh darling. There's really no reason for you to be nervous when meeting this boy. You're such a beautiful, likeable, and intelligent young woman, that he has to be a very dumb boy, if he doesn't like you."

"Mum, you're really the best mum ever", I go to her and hug her. "Really. And I believe you, that you really think all these fantastic things about me, but Shawn and I kinda got a... history. When we first ... met, he told me, that I was beautiful within the soul", I quote him, and my heart breaks a little, while saying this. "But nowadays, he doesn't even want to communicate with me."

"You two really have had a very long walk yesterday afternoon, didn't you?", my mother stares at me.

Yeah, we really had a long walk.

For a little, tiny second, I struggle, if I should tell her the whole story, then she says: "But this boy is really kinda a poet. I mean beautiful within the soul." She smiles dreamy. "No wonder that he'd wrote all these great songs. I really liked ‚when you're gone'. It kinda reminded me of the relation-ship your dad and I had. At least, at the time when he remarried. But today, I like the love songs in which the couple has a future, more."

"Yeah, because you're in love", I say, and grin, and she laughs, too. "That's right. But now, let us go. I don't wanna be late."

"Maybe, he isn't even there", I say, while pulling over my jacket.

"Oh no, don't worry, Karen told me, when she called, that it would be a nice family-dinner, and that she was very surprised, but happy, that you and Shawn already know, so you have someone to talk besides Aaliyah, who you already know, too, as I recognized yesterday. I must say, I am really surprised, that you now know almost more people in the neighbourhood, than I do, even though I thought, I was the one, who moved here a month ago."

I laugh. "I'm really sorry, mum." And to be honest, I didn't wish for all of that, I add without saying it loud.

When I open the door, a wave of snow tries to get in. It has been snowing the whole time since Friday, and now the street is powdered with a high layer of snow. We close the door as fast as we can, and when we go through the snow I notice, that every work I did yesterday in the evening, and today in the morning, was kinda needless, because there's now a way much higher mountain of snow, where I shoveled, than where I put the snow while shoveling. It's really cold, so we hurry, to get to the Mendes house. "In the radio, they say, that it's getting much more cold, and that there's a big snowstorm reaching Ontario the next few days, probably already tomorrow", my mum shouts through the wind, and I answer: "Oh, yeah? Wouldn't have noticed the snowstorm, if they hadn't mentioned it."

I can see, that my mum laughs, and then, we've finally (or should I say yet?) arrived the home, where Shawn Mendes grew up. I read somewhere, that the first thing he did when he got famous and earned money, was to pay his parents house fully. A really nice gesture, and something, that would be – out of Amys sight – surely a reason to praise him holy. But also even from my position, it was kinda nice. I'm still musing about what I'm gonna say, if I have to talk with Shawn, when my mum has had already rang the doorbell. There are steps behind the door and then, the door opens.

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