.•* Book 3 - Chapter 103 *•.

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"So, you and Shawn Mendes", Layla states when I sit down monday morning on the chair next to her. The lecture room's almost empty, Geana's late (as always), and Eric's ill. I would call that more a hang-over, but for all I care.
Either way, Layla's words made me freeze. "What do you mean, me and Shawn Mendes?"

"First, I thought, you'd have a thing for him, cause you acted so strange when he was around, but now I think more, that you don't like him."
I breath out relieved. Then I hem. "How do you come up with such an idea?"

"You avoided his name and his nearness all evening even though he's surely one of the biggest singer and songwriter Toronto – Canada – the whole world – has to offer. And I must say, I am really a bit disappointed, cause I always thought, you'd like his music, too."

"I do like his music", I say. "And I don't have anything against him."

"But then I don't understand, why you weren't excited, that he was there at the party", Layla looks at me questioning.

I have to say, that I'm not comfortable with her questions, but I also have no real problem with them. – She's asking them in a polite way, and she's not being suspicious or someone who doesn't have any sense for stopping to speak about a topic someone else doesn't want to speak about. She's just curious. She's absolutly different to Amy.


"I don't know. I was excited. I was just insecure, I guess. I didn't think, he would come. And above this, I am just not the kind of girl that goes on a party to a superstar, telling him, that she loves his songs and that she admires his songwriting."

"So you do like him. At least you're speaking very passionate about his music."

"Yeah, I really like his songs. His songwriting is incredible."

"I accept that as an apology for leaving me on the party with a drunken Eric and a high Geana."

"Geana was high?" I stare at Layla, and she grins. "Yeah, but just because she met Stuart Camp."

"Oh wow. That would have made me high, too."

"I'd prefer to have met Andrew Gertler."

"That would have been great either", I say, and I'm glad, when our prof enters the room. "Good morning, y'all."

Geana enters the room just right behind him and slides to the place next to me. She's still beaming as she'd met Ed Sheeran's music manager only minutes ago, not Friday evening. "Hey."

"So, I hope, you had fun at the party Friday, and as I heard, some people were very pleased, meeting you", the professor says, smiling. "And I was very pleased and kinda relieved, too, cause I heard nothing about crashed glasses or any other possible escapades. Not that I expected them to happen, but you never know what happens at these kind of partys."

Yeah, you'll never know.

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