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[🔔 new incoming message: Aaliyah ⤵️]
Is it true?!

Hey Aaliyah, how are you? I'm fine, thank's for asking. I hope, you're fine, too.
Is what true?

I would've asked, if you'd have texted me earlier. I mean – for real?!


You and Shawn?!

Shawn and I?

(It's kinda funny to watch Aaliyah being curious and wanting something to know. But I'm not mean, so when she's just sending these frowning and eye-rolling emojis, I write:)

Yeah, it's true. I guess.

I don't get it. I thought, there was no hope for you, when you where at home in Pickering that evening!

I thought the same way.

And I'm sorry for not writing or calling. It's just ... I needed a hard cut. After all of this drama. – I never wanted to hurt anyone, and I don't have many friends, so therefore our friendship was and is very important to me. But I didn't want to destroy yours and Shawn's good relationship. - I'd have never forgiven me.

I understand.
I mean at first I was like angry or something – but on Shawn, not on you! – Because of my brother treating you like that.
But then I realized that it may just not be the right time for you both. – I assume, now it is? (*smirky smile*)

Yeah, I assume, it is.

You don't sound that enthusiastic.

Oh, I do. I am! It's just ... after all that happened the last months, it's quite hard to realize that the whole Amy-and-Shawn-and-Wattpad-drama is now over.
And that he does like me.

Of course does my brother like you! I always knew it!
- Did you hear anything from Amy?

No. And I don't expect to do so. She blogged me   all over her social media.

Well, to be honest, I kinda expect her to show up and threaten you again – just as she did before.
At least when it's official.

Well, but even Amy understands, when it's time to fight and when it isn't. Amy's not dumb. She's gonna see (someday) that she was never meant to be with Shawn.

But you are?

Time will show that I guess. ;)

I'm actually quite sure about that.
But I really hope you both gonna be happy. – And please don't cut me off your life again. Even if it doesn't work out well with Shawn, I'm still your friend, too.

I won't.

- By the way: Where from do you know about Shawn and me?

Didn't you see?!


The news-flash?

Uhm – no?
I don't read the newspapers on a daily-basis – at least not the celebritiy-parts.
Why? Is there something about Shawn?!

You really should start doing so.
Wait a second.

[📰 Aaliyah sent you an article. ⤵️]

They're full of it.

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