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<<Now, he knows you>>

Going on a surprise-date with Shawn is something, that makes me honestly very nervous. I kinda really don't know, what will happen tonight. Not that I mean, I could do something embarassing, like spilling my cocoa over his shoes or saying something dumb. No, it's literally what I said: I don't know, what will happen tonight.
Shawn wouldn't tell me as often as I asked him, but by his excited face, I could only get from, that he'd planned something special.

[➡️ New message to Aaliyah]
What do I wear??!

Hey, I hope, you have a nice day, too, do I get it right from the media, that you and my brother are having a date?

Uhm yes, sorry! But thanks for asking – it could be not better, but only if you tell me NOW, what I should wear!! I really have no clue, what you brother's planning, and I don't want to walk into a nice restaurant in jeans and sneakers, but I also don't want to wear a short black dress with silver pearls (even though I would never do that actually - neither the short black dress nor the silver pearls, but either way) - What if we're going to have a picknick?!
- Forget the picknick. We have deepest winter. In Toronto. I'm so dumb. My gosh.

[🔔 Aaliyah Mendes is calling (over face-time) – You answered the phone call.]

"Hey Aaliyah."

"So okay: Why the panic?!"

"You're brother is planning a surprise-date."

"That's sweet." (Aaliyah laughs)

"Yeah, that's really sweet." (I don't laugh.)


"It's just, that I really don't want to ruin this evening."

"Why would you?! My brother really likes you!"


"What is the silence about?"


"C'mon. Do you really think, I would believe you?"

"Okay." (Hems again)
"It is because of Camila."

"What? What is with Camila?"

I bite my lip. I don't know how to explain the fear that is holding me awake recently. I don't want to sound like the cliché jealous girlfriend. But either way, this question is one that popped up in my mind some days before – honestly it came up when I read in the news something about Shawn and Camila still hoping to get back together one day. "Sources told..." I'm not thinking that this is the truth but either way it did something to or rather in me.


"Do you think, Shawn still has feelings for her? I mean tough question, but do you think, he does still love her? You don't have to answer – I know, you're very close, and I don't want to bring you in an uncomfortable situation."

-- There's a short silence, then Aaliyah says: --
"To answer your question: Yes, he does love her.
But before you hang up the phone and write Shawn a message like 'I don't want to see you anymore', let me explain this first."

-- I nod, but realize, that Aaliyah can't see this, so I say: --
"Okay. Go ahead, please."

"Okay. Good. Listen. Shawn and Camila know each other now for so many years. They were everything: Strangers, friends, partners – a couple for several years, family, then again just friends, for a short time kinda strangers and then an affair and a couple again. You see, this is something, not many people make through, do they?"

(I nod, again not thinking about that Aaliyah can't see it. So I say instead: "Hm. Yes.")

"So Camila was kinda a big sister for me, and she really helped me through some difficult stages in life, when Shawn got famous and more famous. And she helped me to get other the long absence of my big brother. She really was a help. So of course I am still bonded to her a lot even though we don't see each other often these days.
- And Shawn and Camila still have their special bond, but they know, that they will never get back together. That just wouldn't work."

(My voice's kinda raspy, when I answer:)

- Aaliyah answered very simple: -
"Because they tried.
They tried. Several times. Did you hear 'It'll be okay' and 'When you're gone'?"

"Yes, I did. Of course. They are wonderful songs by the way. Really."

"So if you know the songs then, then you know also, that Shawn's always singing, what's on his mind.
And at this time, he just realized that it didn't work anymore. He was knowing it before any of them had to speak it out. And when Camila and him talked about breaking-up, he played "It'll be okay" to her. And she just loved it. - As much as they loved each other, they both knew, that it didn't fit right anymore. They wanted different things from life."

"That's what I read in the media, too."

"Yes, that's when the media were once right."

"But they tried a second time?"

"Yes. They did, because they wanted to test it another time, and they really wanted it to work. I think, my brother was a bit more optimistic about that, than Camila was. But they both tried honestly a second time. But it didn't work out. The wrong time, ya know? Not the right timing."

"And what do you think will prevent, that the right timing will come?"

Aaliyah's answer is simple.
"Now, he knows you."

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