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[✍🏻 protocol of a phone call I have had lately]

[🔔 ☎️ Connor calls]

[Picked up the phone]

Hey Connor, what a surprise, how are you?!

Hey. I'm ... fine. How are you?

Yeah, me too.

[an awkward silence appears]

Look, there's something I need to ask you.

There's something, I need to tell you.

You first!

No, you first!
You go ahead, Connor.

Well, I've been thinking a lot recently.

About what?

About us.


See, Mandy, I know, I was the one who did say that he needed some time for himself – to overcome the fact that you've been having feelings for my best friend – I mean, what a surprise that you've been knowing him all the time I've been feared to introduce you to each other because – you know of what reasons. And then happens something like – something like this. So uhm. I know, I am stuttering. But I don't know, how to put these words properly.

Take your time.
There's nobody who expects you to hold a perfect speech or something.

(laughs nervously)
So, I guess, I'm over it now.

Over what?

The fact that you've been having feelings for Shawn.


First, I thought, you were gonna say, that you were over your feelings for eh me.

And that's the reason why I've been calling.

Uhm, Connor, see, I've wanted to tell you something either and-

I've been thinking of giving us a try-out.


A try-out?

Yeah. I do remember very well what we've both say some weeks ago when you went to England – all the stuff about you needing time to overcome your own feelings, me needing time to overcome my hurt – uhm – ego and everything, but I think, we maybe didn't handle it in the right way. In the middle-age, people married all the time without even knowing each other – and they learned to love each other. So, I know, you like me, and you know that I like you very much and why not give it a try.

Connor, I really need to stop you here and now.


I think it is very sweet of you and so kind. Under other circumstances, I would be so not believing that I know a guy who's having the courage and the strength to come up with such an idea. – But I have to tell you, that this has and will just stay that: an idea.

I don't understand.

Look Connor, I would like to speak to you in real-life about all of this, and I'm in the states now for a few weeks. So therefore I just want to say that I'm honored, but that I won't do the "marriage in the middle-age-worked-either"-thing. I'm neither marrying you, nor am I planning to go out with you anymore. I am sorry. I really am. Our friend-ship means a lot to me. It really does.

Did you read the news about Shawn? The ones about him and the woman he's been around in England? I have the feeling, that he's gonna be finally happy again.

[Silence again]

I will speak to you soon Connor.

Wait, what did you want to tell me?
(sounds a bit bitter) You surely didn't took the call to hear me ranting about my crazy ideas.

It's not crazy – maybe a little old-fashioned, but not crazy. – And yes, I wanted to tell you something either, – something else – well almost else. So, I'll see you soon.

[phonecall ended - Mandy's putting her head into her hands, repeating soundless: "In the middle-age, people married all the time."]



So guys, here we go again ;)

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So guys, here we go again ;)

I haven't posted lately because (I wrote it already in my announcement page, but probably not everyone has always an eye onto their notifications) I had to learn for and to write some exams. Lemme just tell you I study something you need to study a lot for to pass the exams.
So actually, I am at the moment still occupied with university - writing some big home exam - so I don't have time to work on this fanfiction, at least not that much as I'd like to have.

I thought before this FF and it's story travels to nowhere in our mind, I'd post some chapters. ;)

Long text, short message:
Stay tuned and have fun reading!

Rapunzel ❤️

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