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If you thought, this was the end of our conversation, you thought wrong.
Amy's smile turned into an evil grin. "So now, you think, you're something better, don't you?!"

I just stare at her, fascinated by the fact, how fast she could turn into the mean person, she apparently is.
"Amy, just go, please. I don't want to collect more bad memories of our relationship as necessary."

She turns on the doorstep, seeming to to have found the moment to say something, she has been holding back the whole time. "You will never get him. Never."

I frown. "Good for you."

Amy shakes her head scanning me up and down from nose to toe. "Your neither his type nor are you smart enough. You aren't even pretty. Nathan always knew that. He complained about you so many times, and he was so glad, when you broke up. You wouldn't even survive ten minutes under the flashlight of the fans smartphones."

"Well than good for Nathan." I look at Amy. Tears are shimmering competitive with her earrings. "Look Amy, love's not something you can win. Or loose. At least not that easy. So if Shawn's attachment to you isn't strong enough to survive your lie, than it won't change something making me look like a bad person. You should be smart enough knowing that." I start closing the door. "So excuse me, if I don't listen to your somehow really dumb meannesses. Bye."


"Thank you." I watch her leaving and close the door. With a long breath, I take a moment to not let my tears come up. Amy doesn't deserve them. I can be proud that I stood up for myself.
When I turn back to the living room, I become aware, that Aaliayh's probably heard everything.

Yeah, she did. Her next words show that only too good. "What the fuck?!" She's staring at me as she saw a ghost. Or better as she heard one. She did put her cup on the living room table and looks at me unbelieving. I shrug. "That was Amy."

I expect Aaliyah to talk about how Amy just behaved, but instead Aaliyah just says: "Can't stand it."


"That girl. She's acting so nice and sweet, when she's with Shawn and when I'm nearby. But she speaks with you as you were the last shit." She inhales deeply. "Asking you for such a favor after treating you as she did, that is just..." Aaliyah seems to have lost her language, and I can't blame her for that.

"You're not gonna help her, are you?!" She stares at me intensely. Gosh, her eyes are really similar to her brothers. Shawn has had this gaze also, when we talked in the stadium. Man, the way, he looked at me. I wish, he would've smiled that nice as he smiled at Amy. But he didn't, I remind myself again and get me back into the presence. "No! Of course I'm not gonna help her! As I would write a song for her, so she can impress your brother!"

"No way." Aaliyah shakes her head, too. "Okay. We really need to work on that plan."

"That plan?" Does she mean the few things we tossed around in the air before Amy rang the bell? Apparently, she does.

"Yeah. You know these conspiratorial meetings people always have in these movies? We're now gonna have one."

"For what especially?" I can't remember, that our discussing earlier did lead to anything useful.

"Finding a way to kick Amy out of the race and hopefully a bit in her butt, too. She'd deserve it."

I stare at Aaliyah for a second. That's way to much energy, when I feel so whirlwinded by Amy just showing up as she did. But okay. For all I care. "You've got any ideas?!"

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