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<<Fall for you.>>

"Take that", he throws some clothes at me, and I catch them – even if I am getting tired more and more every second, I am standing here, waiting for Shawn to get out of his closet clothes, that might be fitting for me. Finally, he found the right joggers and a t-shirt plus a sweatshirt. My eyes are devolving again and again. And it's still really cold. Shit it's so cold. I don't know, why I did walk outside.

"Me either."

"Shit, did I say that loud?"

"Yes, you did." Shawn's laughing.

Double shit. I must be really tired.

"Yeah, you probably are. That's the cold, I guess. I am freezing too, ya know? You were really dumb, to walk just outside without thinking about it twice. Just because you wanted to get away from a rude boy."

"I'm sorry", I mumble. "I didn't want to put you in danger."

"No, I am sorry. I did put you in danger. And I didn't mean to be rude." He makes a pause. "Again." And then: "I am really sorry."

"Oh wow, Shawn Mendes is sorry", I say, while already falling asleep. "That's really a premiere. Could you please repeat that?!"

"Could you please repeat, that you're sorry, too?" Shawn says with a little laugh. I roll my eyes. "Don't exaggerate, Mendes."

"I'm gonna wait outside", he points to the door, and I nod. In the door, he stands still for a second. "Mandy?"

"Hm?" My thinking and movements are really slow.

He looks at me a bit thoughtful. "Are you gonna be okay? I mean..." First, I think, he means the whole situation, Amy, him, me, but then, I realize, that he means, if I will get it into his joggers and the other clothes. I nod hasty. "Yeah, yeah, thank you."

As fast as I can I change my clothes, and then I crawl into the bed. It is so damn warm and cozy! But even though, it's still cold. When Shawn opens the door, I am barely asleep. But I still get it to say: "Shawn?"


"It was really nice from you to follow me. It was damn cold." For a second, he doesn't say anything, then he just nods. I recognize, that he's changed clothes, too. His hair's still wet, and I would bet, that he's cold, too. "Shawn?"

"Yes, Mandy?"

"It's still fucking cold inside here, isn't it? I guess, I just can't get the cold out of my bones."

For a moment, he seems to struggle, then, he nods. "It's really fucking cold."

"Do you mind, if we warm each other?"

"Yeah, if you want to. - I promise, I won't get closer, than necessairy."

If I wasn't that tired and I it wasn't that cold, I would've shown him the ‚are you crazy?'-sign, but for now, I just can nod. "But only on a enemy-helps-enemy-way."

I can feel, how he sit's down on the bed and takes a bit of the blanket. Suddenly there's warmth next to me, and Shawn is really close. I swallow. Okay.
Only two enemies in need, I remind myself.
He doesn't like you, the bad voice of myself reminds me.
Thank you, I answer ironically. Thank you, that you – and everybody – reminds me constantly of that fact.
The bed makes some squeaky sounds when Shawn's reaching over with his hand to feel, if my arms are getting warm. I hush extremely, but then, I calm down. He's really warm. And his fingers are tracing feaverlight over my bare skin, leaving a warmth - outside and inside.
And it's really comforting.

Shit was this an evening!

And while the snowstorm is whirling around the house, I fall with Shawn Mendes next to me asleep. I don't know, if I'm dreaming, or if I am still awake, when Shawn says: "We aren't enemies, Mandy."

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