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[Amy 🧝🏼‍♀️✨ sent you one (1) new message]
[6:10 pm]
Sorry. Didn't get to make it.

[6:11 pm]
Amy?? Finally! What happened?! Call me!

[6:17 pm]
Everything's fine. See you later at the hotel. Shawn's taking me home. Think of my car. Later.

— — —

"Think of my car, later", Connor repeats, what I told him, Amy wrote me. "Are you kiddin' me?! Is she serious?"

I don't know what to say. I really don't know, what to think. I'm still extremely worried. This is not the Amy I know. To just not show up. To not answer, to not call. To be so short-spoken, yeah snippy.
I take my bag and the rest of my coffee to go. Dude, I really must've drunken round'about three or four coffees with cocoa. (Well, it were little coffee cups, so probably it was less than four.) I still look at my phone and then at Connor. "Something must have happened. She's not always like this. You don't know her."

Connor's looking at me, as I were joking. I'm searching the right words to describe what Amy's normally like, but I don't find them. At the moment I'm speechless I have to admit.

"So, she's probably still with that guy, the guy you wanted to tell that she's the wrong girl he's talking to?" Connor asks.

Is Amy still with Shawn? What has happened, that she just didn't show up at our meeting?
I told Connor some of the general things that happened in the last weeks, without telling him, that it was all about Shawn Mendes. I wasn't lying to him - I really was aware that I didn't want to start a new relation to someone with a lie or confusion again. I just left out some specific information. That should be allowed, shouldn't it? I mean I really couldn't tell Connor, that it was Shawn Mendes. He would've never believed me. Would you?
So now he just looks really irritated yeah kinda pissed of at my place.

"You okay?", I ask, and he stares at me raising his eyebrows wondering. "Well. No. I mean: are you?! I would be angry and kinda sad too if a friend - a best friend - would treat me like that. My best friend would never do something like this. At least I am very sure about that."

I shrug. "I don't know your best friend, but Amy will have a reason to act like she did."
There's this little voice inside me, that reminds me, that I may be wrong. That there's really something in the bush, but not, as I am thinking right now. I breath in. "Okay. I have an idea. I'm gonna write him."

"You didn't do that yet? But that sounds like a good idea."

"No. I thought it was kinda weird and interfering between him and Amy while they were on route together - and I also didn't want to cause any more irritation cause we were originally gonna meet in person."

"So then do it. Now", Connor requests me. "You should really talk to him and clarify all of that mess before it all get's more difficult." He interrupts himself. "Sorry, I have no right to tell you what to do."

"No no, you're right. I should do that. I will do that." I smile at him. I have the feeling he's really a good guy.

"So, I guess I'm gonna see you around?" He asks, and I grin. "Maybe. But you know I'm just temporarily in Toronto."

"I could visit you sometimes."

"Yeah, eventually", I smile kindly. I don't know if he really means that.

"I really mean that", he says.

"Then let's write. Absolutely."

We did already exchange numbers earlier already, so I just lift up my hand that holds my smartphone.

Connor grins too. "Perfect."

We're going to the door. He stops right before it, to take on his hat. "Shit, is it snowing?"

It's already darkened, and yeah, there are some snowflakes falling. The light of the commercials and the lanterns are shining in different colours - orange, yellow, white. The snowflakes reflect them like dozens of dancers on the stage in the light of the spots.
Very elegant dancers and such a great performance.
I'm really flashed by this city, and finally, I understand why people always speak about it in that tone. It's just. Wow. Honestly wow.
Toronto's really beautiful. It's just as Shawn's always described. I wish I could share that with him. I grit my teeth and try to deal with that bad feeling that I have since Amy and him didn't show up. Amy's message's only more a sign that everything is gonna be more complicated.
I take the first step out of the door that Connor holds open for me. "Thank you."

"No problem." He gives me a smile and looks way to whimsically when he searches on his coat for imaginary fluffs. "And by the way: I'm not the waiter."

I swallow too much of the rest of my cappuccino and nearly explode in coughs. "What?! And you tell me that now?! But then you didn't need to pay my bill! I should do that by myself. Let me do that now!"

Connor grins bright. "Don't worry Mandy, I did see your button with "equality". But I also liked to pay for you, cause I like you. So therefore no need to turn this into a gender-discussion - next time you can pay my bill."

I roll my eyes. "Okay. Okay okay, alright. I was not turning it into one. I just thought it was on the house - and not on the bill of a student. So I was worried, if he could pay for the ten cappuccinos I drank and the two pieces of cake I ate. - But Connor?" I smile at him. He's really cute. "Thank you."

Out of any reasons, the word 'student' seems to be funny or strange to him cause his eyes twinkle a bit. "You're welcome." Connor grins. "And Mandy?"


"It we're only three Cappucinos, and one-and-a-half piece of cake. - And if it were two - you could eat it either way."

I laugh and wave goodbye smiling. "What a gentlemen!"

"Always used to be."

We're nearly separating our ways, when he turns around. "Mandy - wait! Can I walk you somewhere? I just don't want you to get lost in this city, ya know. This town's big. Even for me it's sometimes difficult to orientate."

I show Connor one of my most honest and warm smiles. "Thank you, but no need to. My car's waiting right here around the corner. I will find my way home."
I have to smile a bit over his disappointed face, cause it's crazy that I met such a nice boy in such a bad situation. Even though it's too early to let him walk me anywhere. "Connor?"


"Maybe the next time."

He replies my smile and nods. "I'll write you!"

"Yeah - and don't get lost yourself on your way wherever you want to - I've heard this town should be a bit difficult to orientate in."

He chuckles. "Don't worry."

— — —

[You've got two (2) new messages from unknown number.]
Hey, Mandy, it's Connor. I know, it's just two mins, that we've said bye, but I just wanted to get sure, you got my number and you gave me the right one. Just reassuring, you know? And, uh, resuming our conversation, ya know?

I also wanted to say, that you really don't deserve, to let yourself treat like that. You're friend sounds not like she's a good friend. And this boy is an idiot. :) Just saying. And good luck with this car. Sounded like a real bitch.


Yeah, Amy's car really was a bitch - did I mention that? I think I did.
It took me three hours. Three hours.
The hours to get to the hotel, cause the engine broke down.
I had to call the towel service. In Toronto.
And when they finally came, I had no idea that you need to pay some of them immediately. This one was of one of them. I definitely didn't have enough money for this with me. It took me all of my persuasion (and - 100 Dollar on top) to get them to bring the car either way to the hotel. Quoting the Service-Guy: "This car may be the best-looking Ms, but it's really just a princess making fun of it's driver. Not the best quality. I advice you to get yourself a better car - less pink and less plastic."

Yeah. Thank you. I've kinda heard that.

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