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<<lost (?)>>

I can hear someone shouting. "Mandy! Mandy! MANDY!" And then, there's a light.
As dramatic as it sounds, it turns out as someone with his smartphone torch. "MANDY?!"

Gosh, it is so cold. Are my lips already frozen?! "Yeah?! I'm here!" Okay, they aren't frozen.

"Shit, it is so cold and dark, I can't see anything! Where are you exactly?!"

As I would know, between whose's house I am!

"I'm here", I repeat, and suddenly, Shawn's standing in front of me. He's wearing a riddicculus big jacket, but at least, it's apparently making him stay warm. "We really need to go inside, Mandy", he says now through the wind.

"I'm not going with you", I scream back, but I know, that I will, because I'm not dumb, I don't wanna die. He shakes his head. "Can't we stop fighting for one minute?! It is really dangerous outside here. We need to get back into the warmth."

I agree. So instead, I don't say anything anymore and just take the hand, he's offering. We both are wearing gloves, but I can feel the warmth of his hands anyway. He helps me up, and then we're going side by side back to his house. I am so much freezing, that I I can feel my theeths chattering – and that I can't feel my cheeks and nose anymore.
We've reached the door. Shawn's opening it with strumming keys, and then, we're back in the warmth. "You need to get new, warm clothes", Shawn says. "I'm gonna give you some."

"I'm not taking clothes from you", I answer. "I'm not a creepy stalker neither a fan, that is happy about getting clothes from Shawn Mendes."

"Fine, do you wanna catch a cold and die? Or should I go, get your mum, so everybody is afraid and scared and wants you to bring to the hospital?"

"No no, I don't. They shouldn't. I take the clothes", I mumble. "Just give me the damn clothes. – Or give me clothes from Aaliyah. Yeah, just give me some of her, she surely wouldn't have something against."

"Stop arguing, just come with me upstairs. I really don't need anymore stress and allegations." He stops. "From nobody." He hems. "Can you walk?"

My feets and legs are a bit shaky, but I guess, that work's. "I could carry you", Shawn says with a striking tone.

"Don't. Touch. Me." I answer and go to stairs. Damn, they are high, and the stairway is really long. I didn't remember it as that long. I need a second, to overcome my pride, than I say: "Maybe... anyway could you maybe help me gettung upstairs?"

Shawn laughs a bit. It's this melodic laugh, he has had already yesterday. And I like it. Damn, I really like it. And I am way to much cursing. But either way. I take the handrail of the stairway with my one hand, and then, suddenly, I feel Shawns arm around my hips. I hush. He laughs again – right beside my ear. "Stay calm. It's just me."

"Be careful Mendes", I snap. It feels really unusual, that feeling of his arm around my hips and him so close to me in general.
To sum up this evening: We were distant as the last weeks/months, but also at the same time so crazy close as never before. At least physically.

"Stop talking and get out of that cold clothes", Shawn says instead of an answer. "The snow will melt, and then, they will be really wet, and you will be very cold. Way more colder, than you're already now."

He let it sound, as he dosesn't only mean my physical temperature. I snort. "You really aren't funny. Your jokes are so lame. You need so much more practice until being an acceptable joking-partner."

We've reached the end of the stairs. "I can't feel my cheeks, is that normal?", I ask. "It really does feel weird."
A touch just like of a butterfly on my cheeks. Shawns fingers are striking my cheeks. It feels kinda crazy, cause everywhere, he touches my face, thousands of little, very small flames are burning up. "I can't feel my nose either", I mumble. "Do you think, I will lose it all?"

"You mean, lose your cheeks and your nose?" He gives me a little "dud" on the nose and then puts his hand down to take my leftover hand and help me up from the stairs to get through the corridor. "I don't think so. It is really unpredictable, of course. I mean, if you lose it all. But I guess, for now, nothing's lost."

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