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"So, I'll pick you up at 5 O'Clock?", I reassure myself, when I let Amy out of the car, to park it a few meters away. She nods without really listening to me. I breath in several times. "Amy? 5 pm, okay?"

She looks at me with a small smile. "Okay."

It's a strange situation. We're in front of a glassy monument with a lot of modern ingredients like an indoor-tree and a super big polished sign saying "Toronto - Island Records offshoot". Shawn wrote, that we would meet here, right in front of the main entrance, and even if I was a bit irritated, cause I have the determined feeling, that some crazy fans probably always are waiting in front or near of the studios for him, I now see no one. Not even Shawn, who's by the way late. And we're even late (Amy couldn't decide, what to wear).

For a second, I just stare at the walls of the building and think of our conversation we've had earlier yesterday. It was not easy, but it was honest. And we've came to the arrangement, that Amy was gonna take a walk or drink some coffee with Shawn, make a selfie or two, laugh a bit with him, talk about nonsense things, whatever she wants, then subtile starts to indicate, that I would turn up later on the page, and then we would tell him together the truth. Amy would have some hours as her dream-date with Shawn Mendes, and I would've the chance to be honest and to help us out of this situation.

Amy promised me, she wouldn't say anything more, to pretend, that she was the one, he was writing with. Literally, she said: "I will just talk with him about so many other things, that we'll never even talk about Wattpad. I promise, I won't get up the conversation on that, until you're there."

I'm still worried. I don't like that arrangement, we made. It's not a solution, it's probably only making everything harder for her and everything more difficult for me and more worse for Shawn. My pulse climbs the latter like a rabbit running from a leopard. Bad metaphor. Either way. I would meet up with Amy and Shawn at 5 at the little café at the corner of the street and yeah, to say I was excited and anxious was a little understatement. She herself looks really self-confident, as she stands there on the sidewalk, waiting for Shawn to show up. "You need to drive, now", Amy says with a pushing tone through my window.

I nod. "Later. Bye."

I drive back to the street and range myself into the traffic, trying not to think of Amy and Shawn and how he probably will greet her. Will he give her again a kiss on the cheek? Will he hug her? Well, she will absolutely hug him. Will he ask her, how she is? Yes, absolutely, he's a nice guy.
"Mueeeeeepppppp", the hooter of the car next to me brings me back to the here and now. I see two drivers gesticulating with wild faces at each other's, expressing only too good, what they think of each other. The cars behind them start to hoot, too, and I tighten my grip around the wheel. Gosh, did I mention the traffic in Toronto?! The drive here from our hotel took roundabout an hour, even though it was a normal day on the week. With the public transportation systems it would've taken the half of the time. But yeah, you know Amy and her love and need for her car. Sitting behind the wheel, feeling like the queen - or sitting next to me commanding us through the traffic, also feeling royal.

I park the car in a parking space, breathing out relieved. I hate driving Amy's car. This is really a little bitch, if you can say so about a car. It never does, what I want (it's highly modern with a lot of absentee buttons, instead a bright flat screen), and I'm always worried, I could do something wrong and have to pay thousands of Canadian Dollar of compensation. Well yeah, I did park, everything went fine, so no need, to think more about that.

I exit the car, and while I'm standing on the sidewalk, I orientate myself. I'm in the midst of Toronto, a city I barely know. And it's winter. We'll nearly. So that means, it's really cold, and my feet are already freezin' on the ground as I stand here. I decide to walk a bit down the street, sit a while (two hours to be concrete) in a coffee-shop, maybe text some lyrics and then make me on my way to Amy and Shawn. Yeah, that sounds like a plan. A plan, where nothing can go wrong.

Can't it?

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