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<< I want you >>


AN: ! Some explicit (but not that explicit) content is following. If you don't like it, don't read – just skip to the next part and maybe ask what happened.


[A bit later. Toronto.]

It's almost midnight and Shawn's still at the piano, playing some very harmonic and nice melodies. He's still working on some songs for the album – not every song that is announced is already finished.
I went to bed earlier because I've to do some stuff tomorrow, but when I've been laying in bed for like two hours, I decide to stand up again. It feels lonely and kinda wrong without Shawn next to me.
I wrap a blancet around myself to stay warm and go barefoot (remember: integrated heating) down the hallway to the living room.

"Oh hey." Shawn looks up. He doesn't stop playing the melody, and I get over to sit down next to him. He's not making a single note a pause when I enter the melody. Playing together with four hands – that's one of my favourite things when it comes to Shawn and me making music. It's just a thing where we're connecting in an incredible way – you sync so much.
We let the melody end with some uncomplicated but pretty chords.
For a moment, we're just keeping silent. Then Shawn says: "Couldn't sleep eh?"

I shake my head. "I guess I missed you."

Shawn's taking me into a hug.

I breath in his smell. Gosh, sometimes I think I need this smell to be alive.

Shawn's breathing in deeply too.

"Everything okay?", I say, still inhaling this life-elixir-alike.

"Touring isn't the same without you by my side. I missed you very much the last weeks", Shawn mumbles at my ear, and his breath on my skin sends a chill down my spine. "I missed you too Mendes."

His lips are wandering from my ears to my neck to my collarbone, leaving sparkles wherever he's touching me.
Finally, his mouth reaches mine. Our lips are finding each others. "You taste like Cocoachino and Chocolate-cake", I say.

"You taste like sunshine at midnight", Shawn says, and the corners of his mouth are going up.
Damn, why's this guy so good with words?!

"I'm not only good with words", Shawn says, and I open my eyes to stare at him. He chuckles. "Don't worry, this time you didn't speak out what you think. I just guessed."

"You naughty man", I tease him, and he gives me a smile.

"Naughty, eh?" He kisses me again and plays with my curls. His hand is wandering over my back, his touch feather light, and I just love the way he's kissing and touching me with such a comforting and respecting way.

Our next kiss is a bit more – wild – and I feel the urge to be touched by Shawn everywhere. It's a way more serious kiss than the other times. We'd make out often, but this here is getting on another level.

I want this. I want him.

"I could kiss you all day", Shawn says suddenly, very obviously out of breath.

"I could kiss you all day either", I say not less out of breath than he is.

"If you're asking kindly, I would consider it", he smiles sheepishly. "But maybe I want you to beg for it."

"Gosh Mendes, you really think just because you are a super-star you can make every girl beg?"
I leave a trace with my finger on his arm, not leaving out any of his tattoos. They're fascinating. And it's fascinating how Shawn shudders. Even though, he's smiling brighter and doesn't answer.
I hate thinking about how many girls around the globe are wanting right now the exact same things he does to me – him touching my lips, my cheeks, my collarbones, playing with my hair. I know they all want him to look at them like he now looks at me – eyes that are darker than usual and a voice that is huskier than normal.
I know that he can have every woman, but I don't want to think about it.
It looks like he's thinking in similar ways cause he takes one of my curls between his fingers, watching the lights of the chimney reflecting in them. "I know that I maybe could be with other women – but – and maybe I didn't express myself well-enough: I don't want to be with any other woman. Even though, it is very appealing to hear you calling me super-star-Shawn-Mendes and-" I interrupt him. "Don't say something arrogant now, John Doe."

Shawn's smile's getting brighter. "You're right. I probably was going to do so. That was wrong from me. – I'm begging you for merci."

"I'm giving you merci", I say and lean forward again.

This kiss is again hotter. More. More hot, more intense, more wild.

Our lips touch, our bodies touch, the sparks fly, and Shawn's hands are moving over the blanket, just to find a space, where they can slip through. Finally, his hands touches my skin. I am only wearing the wide shirt from him and underwear, and I shiver when he's touching my skin. His touch is featherlight but it leaves traces like he's putting me on fire. Arms, face, waist, hips, legs.

Yeah, he's putting me on fire.

"Is that okay?" He looks at me questioning.

I nod. "Yeah it absolutely is."

Our kisses are getting more intense, and – breathing hectically – we both stand up, just to continue kissing and getting closer to each other. The blancet's already fallen on the ground. We're moving really fast from living room to floor to the bedroom, and when we've reached it, we both lose our shirts. When I'm standing naked in front of Shawn he looks for a long moment at me. Just as he has never seen a body like mine. – Well, that's probably the truth, he's probably had a thing with models, singers... – And Camila was very pretty too. I look a bit embarassed away. "I know, I'm not that pretty as all the girls you've been with before-" "That's not true", Shawn interrupts me. He offers me his hand, making circles with his thumb on my skin. "You're beautiful. You're appearance is stunning. Never think less of you, Mandy. – Everything of you, from bottom to top is amazing me. You're amazing."

I'm getting a bit red. Then I mumble with a look to his trained, very defined chest that is here and there covered with a tattoo: "You're looking not bad either."

He grins and the situation is getting immediately lighter. "You know, this one", I touch one of his tatoos on his arm and follow it to his chest. "This one's really nice, actually."

He's getting strained - I feel his muscles tightening, but his eyes just follow every of my movements. My hand stops right above his jeans. He breaths heavily. I smile. "Everything okay, Shawny-Bee?"

"I didn't know you had such a sadistic part", he says through closed theeths. I grin and move my hand back to his chest. To be honest: I like to mess around a bit with him even though my whole body is aching because it wants him. "You okay, if I go, take a walk? I think I have to do a work-out. It's been a while you know?"

"Actually, no, I'm not okay with you going anywhere now", Shawn says. "And you can have your work-out here and now."

"Ah, yeah?"

We both grin, and then we kiss again. Our kisses are deepening, and our movements are getting faster. When we sink on the bed, Shawn makes a little pause to look me directly in the eyes. "You okay? You want this?"

I nod. "Yes."

"Are you sure? I mean – it's okay, if we wait, we don't need to hurry things, I-" "Shawn, it's okay. I want this. – I'm absolutely sure about this. – But: You sure either?" I smirk.

He looks at me with this absolute intense gaze, only he has. My whole body shivers. "Yes I am. I absolutely am sure about this."

When we cross our hands, I feel like this is the place I was always meant to be: With Shawn.

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