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I've never experienced something that cringe before. I mean: I was in a lot of cringe situations, since I've met Shawn, but this is really the top. While eating, he follows every move I make – when I go to the kitchen, to help Karen, he stands that fast to do it instead, that I haven't already moved my little finger. When I ask Aaliyah something, he listens attentive, and when his father asked me about university, I couldn't open my mouth, 'cause Shawn said: "Dad, please don't ask her questions like that. It would be embarrassing for her."
As a result, my cheeks are flushing alternating between red and white, and everybody feels confirmed. His dad just laughed and said: "Oh, okay, a difficult topic, I see. But Mandy, I was young too, and if you ever need advice on finding the right way: just ask your parents. They surely have the best advices."
Now, I really keep silent, and I can see the fast look, my mother gives me. I smile a little at her, but it feels weird. Weird, as the whole situation, cause Shawn says: "No dad, she would prefer, asking her community for any advice. At least, that's, what she did in the past."

"So, you're having 'the influenca', too?" Manuel says, and I can't, but stare at Shawn stunned. Slowly, very slow, I answer: "No. I have not."

"Oh, okay. And what is then your 'community'? Oh, wait! Let me guess! Do you make music, too? Or are you in an art community? I guess, there are so many opportunities, for young people as you are. That's so great."

I look at Aaliyah. She shows her hands a bit helpless. Okay, I need to change the topic. Right now. "I'm not really a musician, and I wouldn't title myself as 'a member of a community'. To be honest: You were right. I search most of the time advice by my mum, or sometimes by my friends."

"Oh yeah, friends are really the best for asking for advice", Shawn enters the conversation again. "Really the best. As long as you have friends." He looks intensely at me. "But what, if you lost all your friends, because of bad behaviour? Wouldn't you then ask your community, Mandy?"

"Bad behaviour?" I repeat, and I can't avoid, that my voice sounds sharp. Sharp, as the fork of my mum, that reacts apparently to my voice and the (again) change of mood in the room. "Did you say 'bad behaviour'?"

"Shawn", Aaliyah says, but he interrupts her with a polite smile. "No, please Aaliyah, I know, that she does make you believe, that you're friends, but for real: She makes no real friends. That's at least, what I got, while I've known her the last months."

"Months? You know each other for months?" My mum looks kinda confused and Karen and Manuel either.
I look at my mum, and then at Karen. She gave her best, to make a nice dinner, and it tasted really good – until Shawn started spreading his poisoned statements. I don't want to ruin this evening. I really don't. So instead, I say: "Yeah, we know each other. As we said: Barely." And at Shawn I say: "If you think so. Someone must have told you a lot of interesting things about me, that make you so sure, that you're right. But as I told you again and again: I'm not interested in these things. If they're right or wrong: You surely can't tell. And now, please let us enjoy this wonderful dinner. Karen: It tastes great!"

For a while, everybody's just watching us two, as I continue eating with a smile, and as Shawn tries apparently to find some new bitter words. Then, he just nods and continues eating, too. "It really does taste great."

Karen smiles. "Thank you, you two." This is giving the start-signal for everybody, to praise her meal and her cooking-artistry, that is really good, by the way, and the atmosphere is getting much better for the next two dishes. We're talking about the weather, the climate differences between east and west Canada and the advantages and disadvantages of living in such a cold area in winter. While eating, I can see the snow whirling around the house. It's really such a snowstorm, that I begin to wonder if mum and I will get back to the house as icicles. Fitting to the snow and the cold, Karen made a great ice-cake (not with the old ice of the frizzer, but bought at the local ice-shop) and serves hot punch and egg liqueur for everyone. I'm taking just a sip, when Shawn says out of the blue: "What does your boyfriend think about the fact, that you broke your studies?"

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