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[🔔 Open messenger]

You wrote one (1) new message to Amy 🧝🏼‍♀️✨.

[4:47 pm]
Hey, I'm on my way.

[4:55 pm]
I'm here.
Where are you sitting? Can't detect you at the moment.

[4:57 pm]
I'm sitting in the corner at the end of the room. Don't want to expose Shawn to too many curious views and all of the fandom thing.

[5:07 pm]
Okay, I just ordered some cappuccino with cocoa for us all, I know, Shawn likes that kind of stuff. Ah, and they have chocolate cake, the one, you like.

[5:14 pm]
Hey, are you stuck in the traffic, or what?

[5:20 pm]
You tried to call Amy 🧝🏼‍♀️✨
[Your call was denied.]

[5:22 pm]
Amy? I'm worried.

[5:37 pm]
Okay, do I need, to call the police or what? Did you kidnap Shawn? Or did he kidnap you? I'm serious, Amy, please call me back!

The coffee's cold, by the way.

— — —

"Hey, you okay?" A warm male voice interrupts me, looking for the thousandst time from my phone to the door. I look up, to see a boy standing in front of me. Well a guy. He's roundabout twenty-two or so, so nearly my age, and he's smiling a bit shy, a bit concerned.

"Hey, yeah, I'm alright, thank you", I smile back, hiding only to bad my worries and huff.

"Well, you did wait for nearly forty minutes here in that corner, looking like you were waiting for either extremely good or extremely bad news", he nods to the door. "Do you need some help? Or can I bring you another cappuccino?"

Oh, he's the waiter here. "I'm sorry, I didn't notice, you were working here, I was just so distracted", I say and bite my lip. "My friend was supposed, to show up with someone else, we we're gonna having a very important conversation, and they didn't come. I'm not sure, if I should be worried or angry."

"Nothing a piece of cake can't solve", the guy says and smiles again. "Wait here, 5 min, then I can give you my accompany while waiting - if you want to."

The guy seems to be nice, so I reply his smile a bit. "Yeah, why not. Thank you. And don't worry, I'm not planning to go anywhere." At least not, while I'm waiting for Amy and Shawn, I add to myself, not saying it loud. I don't know, how popular the name Shawn in Toronto is, at least Shawn Mendes would probably everybody recognize immediately. So, nothing I need know. It was one of the reasons, why I proposed this little café, which seemed not that rushed compared to other coffee-shops, especially Starbucks. Who would go with Shawn Mendes to a Starbucks? I guess, he's probably never visiting just casually the local shopping mall.

"Heeere we go!", the guy from the café puts down a really big fruit-whipped-cream-cake. I mean a piece of a cake, not the whole cake (if that's necessary to explain - maybe, you thought that, after hearing, what I had for breakfast. In case, it wasn't clear.
- It was clear, wasn't it? Sorry.).
"My name's Connor", he sits down, smiling bright. "Nice, to meet ya."

I can't, but smile back. "Nice to meet you, too, Connor. And thank you for the cake by the way. It looks great!"

Connor sits down after a questioning look, that I answer with a nod. He takes a sip of the coffee, he brought for himself, and looks at me, probably waiting, to come up with the topic of Amy and Shawn, I mentioned earlier, when he asked. I'm starting to get the feel, I need to say something more about this, when he suddenly says: "I'm sorry, I'm acting that cringe, but you've got just some really special ambiance." His cheeks are getting a bit red, and hastly, he adds: "Not, that you think, I'm a creep. Gosh, what am I talking?!" He takes another sip of his coffee, obviously, to have a reason, to look anywhere else. Even though, my thoughts are still with Amy and Shawn, I can't, but feel honored, to be recognized by such a good-looking and obviously cute boy. I smile and say: "No worries, I liked, what you were saying."
Dude, am I flirting with him? Well. Yes.
And why not?! A bit training in this kind of field isn't that bad, and he seems to be super nice.

— — —

[5:55 pm]
[You called Amy 🧝🏼‍♀️✨]
[Your call was denied.]

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