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"We have backstage-passes and tickets for a meet-and-greet with Shawn Mendes", I say, and I feel my heart beating in excitement very fast.
The guy in front of us - black trench coat and polished black shoes - looks at us frowning. He takes a deeper look at our backstage passes and then finally, he says: "Well young ladies, I don't think, that this trick does work. I am sorry. You apparently gave your best, and you really came far, but now this betrayal ends. I don't know, how you could've tricked so many security-guards until here (he shakes his head), but you must be out of your mind, to think, that I let you to Shawn. These tickets are apparently false."

"Wait, what? Why?!" We stare at him, definitely not understanding. - I mean, Shawn himself gave us the tickets - he'd send them me, and he told me, that we should just show them, to get to him after the concert (that was great by the way. REALLY great. Amy cried her soul out. I sang so much, that my voice's now a bit hoarse).

"Shawn Mendes doesn't do Meet-and-Greets at the moment. So therefore, he can't have given you anyway the tickets. If he doesn't know you - and you have no proof, that he does, than you should go now. Immediately." The security man looks at us severely. "Or I have to call some guards to help you find your way out."

Amy nearby me makes a sniffling sound, and I can feel the disappointment coming up in me. I mean, what should I say?! That I know Shawn from Wattpad? Shawn Mendes on Wattpad?! C'mon. Maybe. Maybe, I was just a person, who got tricked by someone, too. Maybe I was just the stupid girl, someone liked to make a joke of. Yeah. Someone actually made a joke out of me.

"I'm sorry", I say, with a bit shaking voice. I can't but deny, that it's trembling a bit. "It's just, that we got these backstage passes and meet-and-greet-tickets, and everyone got us through and allowed us, to pass, only you didn't. They asked our names, we showed our passports, all of this. Our names are on a list."

"Wait. Your names are on the list?!", the security guard looks at us with a changing view on his face.

"Yeah, they are! We are!", Amy now's saying, seeing her chance, to give us better conditions. "Amy Winter and Mandy Riverdale. Just ask the woman at the reception! Or the two guards of the security, who let us in!"

"I don't know", the security guard looks at us a bit insecure, a bit suspiciously.

I breath in and smile a bit. "If you would give us a moment? While you can try to clarify that all, I will write Shawn a message. I will try to reach him, so that everything's gonna be fine."

"You'll write him?" The security guard looks at me surprised. I nod. "Yeah. Just wait a second, please."

"We've problems, to get in there", I type.

A second later, the answer arrives.

Oh. Okay. Wait a moment. I'm gonna change that, don't worry.

"I think, he's sending someone", I say to Amy and the security guard, which is talking into his phone, looks at us unbelieving. Amy's making a little jumper. "I knew, everything would gonna be alright. Oh, maybe he's sending Andrew!"

"Andrew? Who's that?", I look at her questioning. She rolls her eyes (this time good visible). "Andrew Gertler? Shawn's Manager?!"
I am just about to ask, wether she really knows all the staff and the people, that work surround Shawn, when a voice interrupts this thought.

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