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"Hey", I enter the room, only the blanket of the bed around me (and under that a long oversize T-Shirt Shawn had given to me) and barefoot. Luckily, the floor isn't that cold. Shawn's a superstar – and superstars have integrated heating, haven't they?! Not that I would complain.

Shawn looks up from the sheets in front of him. His gaze touches my bare feet, and a smile is playing around in the corners of his mouth. "Hey."

I sit next to him on the piano-chair, and our legs are touching. Sparks are flying back and forwards. I can't but smile too. "You writing something?"

He nods and shrugs at the same time. "Well, yeah. Tryin' too at least."

So, he's still stuck in his writers block. I hem. "May I?" I point to the sheets in front of him, and his cheeks turn suddenly a bit red. He hesitates, than he hem's too. "Sure."

I take the paper of the top and start to read. I've just finished reading the few lines when I look at Shawn. "You serious?" My breathing's a bit faster than normal. I hesitate to ask the question that I really want to ask now. I mean I'm not arrogant. It would be amazing if I was right, but I'm not expecting myself to be right.
I put all my braveness together 1than I say: "Is this about me? - Please don't laugh."

For a second, he just keeps silent as he also needs to put some braveness together, then Shawn nods. "It is about you."

I read some of the lines again and suddenly my view's kinda blurry and also suddenly tears appear in my eyes. "Nobody ever wrote a song about me."
And it seems more than only a bit like a love-song, I add to myself but I'm not saying it loud. That would be too crazy.

"You like it?"

"I like it." I hesitate another second, than I lean forward. "I really like it."

Our lips touch each others like butterflies.
Like butterflies that are on fire – that are leaving sparkles all over my face.
It's a soft kiss. A first kiss that's a test-run.
But that doesn't mean it isn't intense. Cause it is.
My hands run through Shawn's hair, and it feels amazing. It's so soft, and when my fingers reach his back - his arms with all the tattoos are covering them, strong and trained - Shawn's hands are moving over my back too. His hot breath at the corner of my mouth, his lips on my cheek and his hands carefully – yeah almost kindly – touching me. All of this is amazing.
We uncross for a moment to look into each others eyes. I am surprised to find Shawn breathless with red cheeks and with this special shimmer in his eyes that he's got when he's performing his heart away on stage. I'm somehow sure that I'm looking kinda similar.
"Gosh, how long did I want to do that", Shawn says, and his voice's husky. I smirk. "Do what?"
"Kiss you."

"Uh-h?" I grin. "So what now?"

"What do you mean – what now?"

"I mean – do you still want to kiss me?"

"Are you asking me to kiss you again?"

I can't but grin brighter. "Just in case you still want to. - But if you don't-" "Mandy, you have no idea, how much I want to", Shawn answers, a whisper at my ear, and heat floods my body. I lean forward, replying his intense gaze. "Then do it."


Shawn's song
~ muse ~

When I was alone, I pictured myself with you
Even though not knowing, it was you
It was you, oh it was all you, who's life was leading me to

Watching you sleep, so peacefully
Peacefully, yeah, you make me feel peaceful

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