Chapter 1 : The Curse

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Elara was a beautiful and kind young woman who lived in a small village in the Land of Eldar. She spent her days tending to her family's farm and helping others in the village. Life was peaceful, until war broke out.

Arvandor was a kingdom known for its skilled warriors, but even they could not prevent the destruction that followed. Elara's village was one of the first to be attacked, and she watched in horror as her home was burned to the ground and her family killed.

As she tried to flee, Elara was struck by a sword and left to die. But in her final moments, a strange curse overtook her. Every person who died in the war took a piece of her life, leaving her skin pale and ash-like.

Elara tried to hide her curse, but it was not long before people began to notice the changes in her skin. They believed that she was the cause of the war, and she was chased from village to village, always on the run from those who feared and hated her.

Despite the fear and hatred directed at her, Elara never lost her kind and compassionate nature. She continued to help others whenever she could, but she was always alone, always on the run.

As the years passed, the war continue and more people died. Elara's curse grew stronger, and her skin became paler and more ash-like with each passing day. She was a constant reminder of the war and the death and destruction it brought.

Despite the curse, Elara never lost hope that one day she would find a way to break it. She prayed for a miracle, for someone to come along and help her end her suffering.

Elara had always known she was different. From a young age, she had been haunted by a curse that no one seemed to understand. Every time someone died in battle, her skin would turn pale and ashen, a grim reminder of the price of war.

For years, she had been shunned by her village, feared and avoided because of the curse that marked her as a reminder of death. But Elara refused to let the curse define her. She knew that there was more to her than just a walking memorial to the fallen.

So, when the kingdom was plunged into war once again, Elara decided to take matters into her own hands. She traveled to the front lines, determined to do what she could to help those who were fighting for their lives.

It was there that she met Riven, a brave soldier who had been injured in battle. Elara tended to his wounds, and they quickly formed a bond of friendship. Riven saw past the curse that marked Elara and saw the woman beneath, a woman of strength and determination.

Together, they fought alongside, helping to protect each from enemies. Elara was amazed at the bravery and sacrifice she saw and it inspired her to keep going, even when the odds seemed insurmountable.

But the toll of the war was great, and Elara could feel herself growing weaker with each passing day. The curse was taking its toll on her, and she knew that she couldn't keep fighting forever.

One night, as she sat alone by the campfire, Elara felt a sudden surge of pain shoot through her body. She knew what it meant – someone had just died in battle, and she had absorbed their soul, as she always did.

But something was different this time. The pain didn't go away like it usually did. Instead, it grew stronger, until Elara thought she might pass out from the agony.

Suddenly, she felt a hand on her shoulder, and she looked up to see Riven standing beside her.

"Elara, what's wrong?" he asked, concern etched into his features.

"I don't know," Elara gasped. "Something's different this time. The pain won't go away."

Riven immediately sprang into action, grabbing his bag and pulling out a small vial of liquid. "Drink this," he said, handing it to Elara. "It's a potion that will help ease the pain."

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