Chapter 72 : Calm Envy

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Addin approached Khai, finding him sitting beside a felled tree outside the camp. Without a word, he settled beside him, the weight of the situation heavy between them.

After a moment of silence, Khai finally spoke, his voice heavy with emotion. "It's just... so difficult for me to accept that you're not human. We've only just met, and I wanted to spend more time with you, brother."

Addin continued, his tone heavy with remorse. "I'm sorry, Khai."

Khai, frustrated, interrupted him. "Stop apologizing! It's not your fault!"

Addin, taken aback but with a soft smile, persisted. "You know, Khai, I've always envied you."

Khai, surprised, questioned him. "Huh? What do you mean, brother?"

Addin continued, his voice heavy with longing. "When I arrived here and met you and your friends, I realized how fortunate you are to have such good companions. Compared to them, I was always lonely... The only company I had was myself."

Khai interjected, trying to reassure his brother. "Brother, don't say that... You have me, remember?"

Addin nodded, a sad smile playing on his lips. "Of course, I have you. But throughout your journey, who has been by your side? It's them, your friends... And I'm genuinely happy for you."

Khai continued, his voice filled with concern. "And Brother... do you truly want to die so badly?"

Addin replied, his tone heavy with resignation. "Of course not... but what else can I do? I've committed terrible sins... This sacrifice is the only way to ensure everyone's future is brighter, and perhaps find some peace in my own passing."

Addin gazed at his palm, his expression pained yet resigned. With a sad smile, he continued, "Time is slipping away, Khai... I've tried to cling on for as long as I could. Let's return to your friends now; they must be worried sick about you."

As dusk settled, Khai and Addin made their way back to the camp. Upon reaching the camp's entrance, they were greeted by the worried faces of their friends. However, as Khai walked ahead, he was startled by Addin's sudden groan of pain. Khai's heart sank as he turned his attention to his brother. "Brother!" he exclaimed, his voice laced with concern and fear.

As everyone watched, Samael's voice cut through the tension, filled with concern. "What's happening?" he asked urgently.

Imzyh's words added to the mounting sense of dread. "I have a bad feeling about this! Quickly, we need to separate Khai from his brother!"Reacting instinctively, the group rushed toward Khai and Addin.

Addin's voice broke through the chaos, strained with pain. "Khai, stay away from me," he pleaded.

Confused, Khai's voice trembled as he responded, "What?"

Addin pushed Khai away with a desperate force. As he stumbled, the pain intensified, contorting his face into a grotesque mask of agony. Veins pulsed unnaturally beneath his skin, and a horn began to protrude from his forehead. His hand twisted into a monstrous form, elongating unnaturally, while his body expanded and darkened, taking on an otherworldly hue.

Imzyh, Samael, Zarek, Mikaela, and Rina arrived just in time to witness the horrifying transformation of Addin. They watched in shock as horns sprouted from his back, his once-pale skin turned a dark shade of red, and he spoke in a voice that seemed not entirely his own."I am War, the last Homunculus," the transformed Addin declared ominously.

Imzyh cursed under his breath. "Damn it! We're already too late!"

Samael drew his sword, and the others assumed defensive stances, preparing for the impending threat. As War turned his attention to the group, his eyes filled with malice. "As the Decimation of Mankind, I grant you one day to prepare. Tomorrow, your doom shall be upon you," he declared ominously. With a swift motion, two pairs of wings sprouted from his back, created from his own flesh. As War ascended into the sky, the powerful gusts from his wings battered the group, making it difficult for them to maintain their footing.

Struggling against the relentless wind, Mikaela exclaimed, "This wind is relentless! His strength must be unimaginable!"Zarek nodded in agreement. "His power... It surpasses even Death."

As War ascended into the sky, a moment of introspection seized him. "Khai... I had hoped that you could defeat me," he murmured quietly to himself. Despite the turmoil of his transformation, memories of his younger brother and their bond lingered within him. Yet, he was a man bound by fate, he had chosen—to sacrifice himself for the greater good of others.

As Khai watched his brother Addin transform into War and take flight, a sense of desperation overcame him. "Brother!" he called out, his voice filled with anguish, as he chased after War. He continued to pursue him until he reached the desolate shore of the sea.

As Rina walked up to Khai, she spoke with empathy in her voice. "We gave it our all, Khai. We must honor your brother's wishes. Time is short, and we must ready ourselves for tomorrow."

Zarek chimed in, his tone solemn. "Indeed, Khai. Preparation is key."

Taking a deep breath, Khai nodded. "Yes, you're both right. Let's do everything we can to get ready."Despite the weight of uncertainty hanging over them, the group exchanged smiles, determined to face whatever challenges lay ahead. They knew that confronting War would be no easy feat, but they clung to hope and unity as their guiding lights in the darkness of impending battle.

In Arvandor Kingdom

As Hassan walked through the grand halls of Arvandor Kingdom, he approached Lord Thrush with a deep bow, his expression betraying a mix of anticipation and apprehension. "My lord, you called for me?"

Lord Thrush's eyes gleamed with excitement as he spoke of the awakening of their final Homunculus. "Hassan, My ultimate creation, War, has finally stirred from his slumber. He is the embodiment of destruction, unmatched by any other. The time of reckoning draws near."

Hassan listened in silence as Thrush continued, his heart heavy with the weight of impending doom. "Hassan, did you bring what I requested?"

With a solemn nod, Hassan presented the coveted piece of bark from The World Tree. "Yes, my lord, as you commanded."

A sinister grin spread across Thrush's face as he clutched the bark in his hand. "Ah, excellent! This is precisely what I needed."

Hassan couldn't contain his curiosity any longer. "Forgive me, my lord, but what do you plan to do with it?"

Thrushed leaned in, his voice dripping with dark intent. "All will be revealed in due time, Hassan. But rest assured, it will pave the way for our ultimate victory."

The Next Day

As the dawn broke and the camp stirred to life, anticipation hung heavy in the air. All eyes turned to the entrance where War and his armies awaited, casting a foreboding shadow over the scene.A tense silence enveloped the gathered warriors until Samael stepped forward, his voice steady yet filled with determination. "No matter what lies ahead, our survival is paramount. Fear has no place among us, for we carry within us the spark of hope. If we falter, let it be in the pursuit of our destiny—to either triumph or fall in defense of our world."

With a resolute gaze, Samael drew his swords, their blades gleaming in the dim light. "For the Eldar!"

Echoing his cry, the knights, led by General Hoax, raised their weapons high, their voices united in a fierce battle cry. "For the Eldar!"With hearts aflame and resolve unyielding, the group surged forward, ready to face the onslaught of War and his legions, their spirits intertwined with the fate of their world.

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