Chapter 32 : The Five Title of Nobility

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The companions entered the throne room, their steps echoing. His voice, rich and commanding, resonated through the chamber, carrying the weight of his authority. "Welcome, esteemed guests, to the Xu Yuan Dynasty," he proclaimed. "Allow me to introduce the distinguished members of my court. This is Wang Shu, a trusted advisor and emissary. Beside him stands Nian Zhen, known as 侯 Hou, a man of noble lineage and unwavering loyalty. Feng Mian, known as 伯 Bo, possesses keen intellect and strategic prowess. Mo Chou, known as 子 Zi, is a master of the arcane arts and holds great wisdom. And lastly, we have Fei Hong, known as 男 Nan, a skilled warrior with unmatched courage."

*Side note hou means marquis, bo means earl, zi means viscount, nan means baron*

The companions nodded respectfully, acknowledging each member of the Emperor's court. They understood the significance of these individuals in the realm's governance and the integral roles they played in shaping the Xu Yuan Dynasty.

Emperor Xu Yuan's gaze shifted back to the companions, his eyes assessing and wise. "You have ventured far and overcome great challenges to reach this moment," he began, his words carrying the weight of his acknowledgment. "Before I bestow upon you the task that lies ahead, I urge you to rest and replenish your spirits. Tomorrow, come to the throne room, and we shall discuss the path that fate has set before us."

The companions exchanged glances, feeling a mixture of relief and anticipation. The Emperor's consideration for their well-being touched them deeply, and they understood the significance of his offer to allow them a respite.

With gratitude in their hearts, Elara, Zarek, Khai, and Samael bowed respectfully to the Emperor and his court, expressing their appreciation for the respite that had been granted.

With a gracious nod, Emperor Xu Yuan turned his attention to a trusted servant standing nearby. "Li Ai," he called out, his voice carrying the weight of authority. Li Ai swiftly approached, her demeanor respectful and attentive.

"Yes, my lord," Li Ai responded with a bow, her voice filled with reverence.

The Emperor's gaze shifted to Elara, Zarek, Khai, and Samael, their expressions reflecting gratitude and anticipation. "Please," he addressed them, "allow Li Ai to guide you to your chambers. She will ensure that you are provided with comfortable accommodations and all that you may require during your stay in the palace."

Li Ai stepped forward, her movements graceful and composed. "Esteemed guests," she addressed them with a warm smile, "I shall be your guide to the restful chambers that have been prepared for you. Please, follow me."

The companions exchanged glances, their weariness momentarily lifted by the Emperor's considerate gesture. With gratitude in their hearts, they bowed once more to Emperor Xu Yuan before turning their attention to Li Ai.

Silently, they followed Li Ai as she led them through the grand palace corridors. The opulence and magnificence of their surroundings left them in awe, their footsteps echoing through the vast hallways adorned with intricate tapestries and exquisite artwork. Li Ai's steps were sure and confident, guiding them with ease through the labyrinthine paths of the palace.

As they walked through the palace corridors, Elara took a moment to break the silence. Her voice resonated with a gentle grace, "I am Elara," she began, "And these are Zarek, Khai and Samael

Li Ai listened attentively, with curiosity and respect. "My name is Li Ai one of the master Fei Hong disciple It is an honor to meet you all," she replied, her voice filled with genuine warmth. "You have traveled from distant lands, carrying with you stories of great feats and a purpose that has brought you to our Emperor's doorstep."

Khai suddenly begin to speak "master Fei Hong? you means one of the five nobility?" asked Khai to Li Ai.

Li Ai's smile widened as she nodded in response to Khai's question. "Master Fei Hong is one of the esteemed Five Nobility, renowned for his unparalleled mastery of martial arts and unwavering loyalty to the Xu Yuan Dynasty. He has honed his skills under the guidance of our Emperor himself and has become a beacon of strength and wisdom. So our Emperor decide to make Master Fei Hong becoming nan".

As they continued their walk, the companions are enjoyed beauty of the palace. Elaborate tapestries adorned the walls. Paintings captured fleeting moments of joy and melancholy, evoking emotions that resonated deep within their souls. The air was perfumed with delicate fragrances, a testament to the meticulous care given to the palace's gardens.

Li Ai's voice broke through their thoughts, pulling them back to the present. "We have arrived," she announced, gesturing towards a pair of intricately carved doors. "Within these chambers, you shall find respite and the opportunity to restore your strength. Tomorrow, when you are ready, I shall guide you to the presence of our revered Emperor."

With grateful hearts and minds brimming with possibilities, they closed the doors to their chambers and decide to take a rest.

At night while everyone are sleeping. Samael suddenly wakeup, he decide to go to outside the palace, As he walked alone through the quiet streets, "Father, what am I to you?" Have I not strived to prove myself, to live up to your expectations?"

Beside, the assassin Black Order hunt Elara, Samael couldn't fathom why his own father would send the merciless assassins of the Black Order to kill him. The thought give him a feeling of betrayal coursing through his veins.

"If it is true," he continued, his voice laced with a mix of anguish and determination, "if my own father seeks my demise, then what am I to do? How can I find my true purpose in a world that seems to reject my very existence?"

With each step he took, Samael sought solace in the stillness of the night. It was in this moment of solitude that he realized his true worth was not defined solely by his lineage or his father's acceptance.

"Father, "If you seek to extinguish the flame within me, know that it burns brighter than ever. I will forge my own path, uncover the truths that lie hidden, and define my own destiny."

He clung to the promise he had made to Riven, his dearest friend, to protect and care for Elara. In that promise lay a sacred duty, a tether to his purpose in this tangled world.

The night bore witness to Samael's declaration, He understood that his journey would be arduous, filled with unforeseen challenges and painful revelations. Yet, he was undeterred. With his unwavering determination and his promise to Riven, he would not falter.

As Samael continued his solitary walk through the streets of Xu Yuan Dynasty,he was no longer burdened by the weight of his father's rejection.

Father or not, Samael knew that his true worth lay in the strength of his character and the choices he made. He would carve his own destiny, weaving a tapestry of resilience, loyalty, and unwavering determination

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