Chapter 17 : Aftermath

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As Elara slowly opened her eyes, she saw Zarek sitting next to her, a relieved look on his face. "Thank goodness you're finally awake," he said softly. Elara felt confused and disoriented, trying to piece together what had happened.

Just then, the room door opened, Elara recognized her immediately - it was Goddess Thalassia, the divine being who had blessed her on her journey.

"You've been asleep for a week," Thalassia said, her voice soothing. "Your body needed time to heal from the injuries you sustained during the attack on the City. Zarek has been taking care of you in the meantime."

Elara's head was spinning with questions. "What about my friends?" she asked. "Are they safe?"

Thalassia nodded. "They're fine. They've been taking turns keeping watch over you and making sure you had everything you needed."

Khai and Samael entered the room with relief on their faces. "Finally, you're awake," Khai said with a smile. "Everyone's been waiting for you outside."

Curious, Elara followed them outside, and was met with a sight that took her breath away. The entire city had gathered in the square, cheering and clapping as she emerged from the building. Banners and streamers hung from every balcony, and the air was filled with the sweet scent of flowers.

Elara's heart swelled with emotion as she looked out at the sea of faces before her. Tears of gratitude and humility welled up in her eyes, and she struggled to find the words to express her feelings. Finally, she managed to choke out, "Thank you, everyone. I never thought of myself as a hero, but knowing that I was able to help all of you has filled my heart with a sense of purpose and pride that I can't even begin to describe."

The crowd erupted into another round of cheers and applause, and Elara felt a sense of belonging that she had never felt before. In that moment, she knew that she was exactly where she was meant to be, among the people of Thalassia Water City, who had welcomed her with open arms and embraced her as their own.

For three whole days, the people of Thalassia Water City came together to celebrate Elara and her friends. The city was alive with laughter, music, and dancing. The streets were filled with people of all ages, from children playing games to elders sharing stories of the past. The air was sweet with the aroma of delicious food and drink, and the sound of joyous voices filled the air.

Elara and her friends were the center of attention, with the townspeople showering them with praise and gratitude for their heroic act. The people had never felt so safe and protected, and they knew that it was all thanks to Elara and her companions.

Trisha approached Elara with a warm smile, her eyes filled with gratitude. "It has been a long time since I've seen our city so full of joy," she said, placing a gentle hand on Elara's shoulder. "And it's all thanks to you."

Elara felt a wave of emotion wash over her as she looked around at the smiling faces and the colorful decorations. It was a beautiful sight, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and fulfillment in her heart. She turned to Trisha and said, "I couldn't have done it without the help of my friends. We worked together as a team, and I'm just glad we were able to save the city and its people."

Trisha nodded in agreement, her eyes shining with admiration. "You and your friends are true heroes," she said. "And we are forever grateful for what you've done for us."

As the sun set on the third day, the celebrations began to wind down, but the memories and feelings of joy would last for a long time. Elara and her friends felt a sense of belonging and connection to the people of Thalassia Water City that they would carry with them on their journey.

At night Elara walked through the deserted streets of Thalassia Water City, her mind still reeling from the events of the past few days. She was grateful to be alive, but she couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that lingered within her.

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