Chapter 11 : Eastport

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As they approached the bustling town of Eastport, the sounds of the sea and the bustle of merchants and sailors grew louder. It was clear that this was the most important trading port in the region, with ships of all shapes and sizes crowding the docks.

Samael led the way, weaving through the crowds with ease, while Elara, Zarek and Khai followed close behind. They were all eager to find a way to Thalassia The Water City and uncover the artifact that could potentially break Elara's curse.

As they made their way through the winding streets, they couldn't help but marvel at the sights and sounds around them. The salty scent of the sea mingled with the smells of exotic spices and fresh fish. The sound of merchants haggling and sailors shouting filled their ears, making them feel like they were a part of the bustling port city.

Samael led the trio through the crowded marketplace towards the port. They soon found themselves standing in front of a grand ship with a sign that read "The Lady's Grace".

Approaching the ship, a woman with long brown hair and sharp features emerged from the deck. "Greetings," she said, eyeing the trio. "This is Trisha she captain of this ship" Samael introduce to the Trio. Trisha we are looking to travel to Thalassia" Said Samael to Trisha.

Trisha's expression turned grim. "Thalassia? That's not a place you want to go to lightly. The waters are treacherous, and the city is ruled by the goddess herself. Are you sure you want to go there?"

Samael nodded. "We must retrieve an artifact that is said to be there. It's important and don't worry I can pay it for you, how much gold did you want Trisha?"

Trisha observed the trio with a stern expression, sizing them up before speaking. "Very well. I can take you to Thalassia, but I warn you, it won't be easy. We'll have to be careful and the price is 1500 gold," she said, crossing her arms.

Zarek's eyes widened at the price. "What!? 1500 gold, that's pricey," he exclaimed.

Trisha arched an eyebrow. "Of course, the price is 1500 gold. You know I have a crew to pay," she replied with a hint of annoyance.

Samael stepped forward and pulled out a small pouch of gold coins from his pocket. "1500 gold is enough. Here's your payment," he said, placing the pouch into Trisha's hand.

Trisha weighed the pouch in her hand, then gave a curt nod. "Alright then. Let's get ready to set sail. We have a long journey ahead of us."

As they set sail towards Thalassia, Elara couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement mixed with apprehension. She knew that this journey was not going to be an easy one, but the prospect of finally finding a way to break her curse was too alluring to ignore.

The Lady's Grace sailed steadily through the choppy waters, with Trisha's crew working tirelessly to keep the ship on course. As they drew closer to Thalassia, the air grew thick with mist and the sky turned a deep shade of blue.

Elara turned to Samael and asked, "What do you think we'll find in Thalassia? Do you think we'll be able to find the artifact and meet the goddess?"

Samael smiled reassuringly. "I believe we will find what we are looking for, Elara. But we must be careful. Thalassia is not a place to be taken lightly."

As the sun set on their first day at sea, Elara was in the midst of preparing dinner when Trisha approached her. The captain's gaze was intense and curious.

"I couldn't help but curious" Trisha said, her voice low. "Would you tell me what are you going to cook?"

Elara told to her "I'm preparing a pottage, meat pie and stuffed egg" Trisha watched intently as Elara expertly chopped vegetables and seasoned the meat. "That looks delicious," Trisha said with a smile. "But what I meant was your curse, the Ashes Whisper."

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