Chapter 59 : Xerkoz the Void

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Khai urgently added, "Hurry, Elara! Do something, unseal Arslan!"

Elara responded determinedly, "I know, I'll try my best." She pressed her hands against the Pure White Crystal, channeling her magical energy in an attempt to break the seal.

As Zarek prepared to summon, Elara intervened, "Don't use that. Save your energy, Zarek."

Zarek nodded, affirming, "Yes, I won't use my left eye." He retrieved a bottle of animal blood, catching Mikaela's attention. "Animal blood? When did you bring that?" she inquired.

Zarek reassured her, "Don't worry, it's animal blood. I brought it before we entered the void." With swift movements, Zarek spilled the animal blood on the floor and, simultaneously, made a small cut on his hand, letting his own blood drip into the mix. He began chanting, summoning blood skeleton warriors and a blood golem. "I'm ready in my position. This should buy you time, Elara, to figure things out," Zarek declared. The conjured creatures stood ready to defend, providing a temporary shield against the imminent threat.

The colossal doors swung open abruptly, revealing the onslaught of amalgams relentlessly battering against the entrance. Imzyh, sensing the imminent danger, hastily employed his magic affinity to infuse each of their weapons with enhanced magical power. The group, armed with newfound strength, valiantly clashed with the relentless wave of amalgams.

Zarek, with his blood minions by his side, commanded the Blood Golem to smash into the amalgams repeatedly, hurling them aside with each powerful strike. Simultaneously, his blood skeleton warriors engaged in a relentless assault, their regenerative capabilities proving to be a formidable defense against the relentless onslaught of the amalgams.

Amidst the chaos of the battle against the relentless amalgams, Elara focused her energies on merging with the pure white crystal. Zarek, filled with concern, couldn't help but shout her name, but Mikaela reassured him, emphasizing the need to trust Elara's actions.

In the dream world, Elara found herself in the Seal World where Arslan was held captive. A chained lion, turned to stone, stood before her. Determined, Elara attempted to shatter the chains restraining him, but her efforts proved futile. Undeterred, she followed the chains' path, leading her to a towering structure. Elara ascended the stairs, destroying each chain along the way. The urgency of her mission was palpable, knowing that prolonged exposure to this world might lead to her own entrapment.

As Elara raced to the next tower, Eldritch creatures emerged in pursuit, unmistakably minions of Azathoth guarding this sacred place. Fully aware of their malevolent origins, Elara pressed on, determined to break the chains binding Arslan.

Meanwhile, Zarek and the others fought tirelessly against the relentless amalgams. Surprisingly, the creatures abruptly ceased their assault, returning from whence they came. Imzyh, cautious, warned the group of potential schemes.

The horde of amalgams seamlessly melded into a grotesque, demonic entity, its unearthly voice resonating through the astral plane. As the fiendish creature addressed Zarek's inquiry, the air itself seemed to shiver with malevolence.

Undeterred, Zarek questioned, "Who are you?"

"I am Xerkoz, the Void itself. What intentions bring you to this place?" inquired the demonic being.

"To break free Arslan!" proclaimed Imzyh with unwavering determination. Xerkoz, voicing concern over Elara's role as Ashes Whisper, asserted, "I cannot permit such actions. The girl you call Ashes Whisper may bring doom upon us."

Defiance burned in Zarek's eyes as he retorted, "If our quest brings doom upon you, so be it! We shall face it with unyielding resolve!"

Xerkoz's laughter echoed ominously. Mocking the human's defiance, the Void entity delivered a chilling promise, foretelling inevitable regret for those who dared oppose its dominion.

The battle unfolded as Zarek marshaled his blood minions against the formidable Xerkoz. In a swift, decisive strike, Xerkoz obliterated Zarek's Blood Skeleton Warriors, leaving only the resilient Blood Golem standing. Imzyh, sensing the overwhelming arcane power, expressed frustration. "Tskk, this adversary possesses truly immersive arcane might."

Determined to shift the tide, Imzyh shouted to Zarek, "Command your Blood Golem to cover me!" With a strategic move, Imzyh dashed forward, closing the gap between himself and Xerkoz. As he neared, Xerkoz aimed a colossal fist at Imzyh, but the Blood Golem intervened, holding back the devastating blow.

In a swift motion, Xerkoz sought to execute a dual attack, but Rina's arrows disrupted the impending assault. Capitalizing on the momentary distraction, Mikaela, with her exceptional combat skills and agility, unleashed a precise barrage of attacks. Her strikes aimed for the vulnerabilities exposed by Rina's arrows, leaving discernible marks on Xerkoz.

In a moment of pain and laughter, Xerkoz declared, "Hahahaha, I see, you manage against me. Well then, how about this?" With a sinister call, Xerkoz summoned his other amalgam minions, merging with them to transform into a void dragon. Its colossal size surpassed its previous form, emanating an even more ominous presence. Xerkoz initiated his first attack, charging up his arcane power, blending it with the void. He unleashed a devastating beam from his mouth, but luck favored them as the attack collided with a mountain behind, resulting in a colossal explosion that erased the entire mountain from existence.

Meanwhile, as Elara approached the next set of chains, the Eldritch manifested and seized her legs, causing her to stumble. The dream world, now succumbed to an encroaching darkness. Despite Elara's valiant efforts to free Arslan, the Eldritch proved formidable. In a disheartening turn of events, the Eldritch enveloped Elara, swallowing her into a vast sea of impenetrable darkness.

As Elara descended into the abyss of darkness, her body became burdened, making it arduous to swim to the surface. Eventually, she found herself at the very bottom, immersed in an overwhelming solitude. Lost and alone, she felt the weight of despair. However, in the midst of this profound darkness, a sensation of being kicked jolted her, accompanied by a familiar voice calling out her name.

Elara reluctantly opened her eyes, only to find herself staring into an unexpected reflection – her own visage. Within the enigmatic depths of her own consciousness, Elara's reflection spoke with an ethereal voice, questioning the very essence of her quest to break free from the shackles of the Ashes Whisper. "Ashes Whisper, why do you yearn to be unburdened? Is it to craft a world of benevolence" The voice lingered, leaving Elara in contemplative silence.

The mirrored version of herself continued the profound dialogue, "Cease this struggle, Elara. No matter how fervently you seek liberation and endeavor to rescue the world, humanity remains entangled in its perpetual web of transgressions."

As Elara fought to rise, the torment of the curse intensified. Her mirrored counterpart extended its hands, summoning the echoes of thousands of departed souls. The voices of the deceased resounded with accusatory echoes, each phrase a haunting indictment: "You are the progenitor of this strife," "I shall never grant forgiveness," "You have cursed this world," "Your fate is to perish," "May the depths of hell be your abode!"

The spectral chorus of accusations intertwined with the throbbing pain, embodying the collective grievances and reproaches of the souls ensnared by the repercussions of her actions.

"hahahahaha!" Her mirrored version laughed maniacally, "now it's time for me to take your body." As her mirrored self attempted to seize control, Elara's heart began to glow with an ethereal light. In that radiant moment, a flood of memories surged within her, reminding her of something significant.

Elara, now remembering the powerful creature within her, felt a surge of strength as Zeirsulair The Void Walker, The Abyss Leviathan, Mirage The Charred One, and Qilin channeled their strength to aid her. The debilitating pain of the curse began to ease, allowing Elara to stand once more. In this moment of clarity, she realized that in order to escape this internal struggle, she had to confront and overcome her own mirrored self.

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