Chapter 24 : Consciousness and Unconsciousness

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As Elara drifted into unconsciousness, she found herself in a strange dreamlike state. Before her stood two figures: Leviathan and Mirage, the dragon she had just battled.

"As I live and breathe, the Ashes Whisper returns," spoke Leviathan with a tone of familiarity.

"Leviathan, thou art here?" said Mirage in surprise.

"Verily, this maiden hath borne the Ashes Whisper, and thus hath the power to enter this dream realm and meet with us," Leviathan replied solemnly.

"I see...very well," Mirage responded.

Elara stood up and faced Mirage. "Mirage, I need to know. Why did you suddenly attack us?

Mirage looked at Elara with a mix of regret and defiance. "I believed you and your companions to be from Avalon Kingdom, come to steal the Crystal Flower of the Desert."

Elara's eyes widened in surprise. "But why would you think that?"

"I have been betrayed before," Mirage replied, his voice laced with bitterness. "I have seen the greed and ambition that resides within the hearts of men. The allure of power and wealth is a potent poison, and I believed you to be no different."

Elara looked at Mirage with understanding. "I see. But we are not from Avalon

Mirage looked at Elara for a long moment, studying her carefully. "I see that now," he finally said, his voice softening and he begin to speak

"O Ashes Whisper, thou art a conqueror of Life and Death," Mirage began. "For what is life but a fleeting illusion, a mere shadow of what could be? Men are shackled by their own falsehoods, seeking love and meaning in a world that is ever-changing and uncertain. Yet, when the curse touches their flesh, they realize the true nature of their existence. We, too, are bound by this yoke, O Ashes Whisper, as true as the Dark that churns within the hearts of men."

Leviathan nodded in agreement, his eyes fixed on Elara. "Truly, the burden of Ashes Whisper is a heavy one to bear. It is a path fraught with trials and tribulations, and those who choose to walk it must be willing to confront the darkness within themselves."

Elara looked at Mirage and Leviathan, weighing their words carefully. She knew that the burden she carried was heavy, but she also knew that she couldn't simply abandon her duty. With a deep breath, she spoke.

Elara nodded, her expression determined. "I understand that, but I also know that the light within me is stronger. As long as I stay true to myself and my duty, I can overcome any darkness that comes my way."

Mirage regarded Elara with a mixture of respect and caution. "You are a rare breed, Ashes Whisper. Few possess the strength of will to face their own darkness and emerge unscathed. But make no mistake, the darkness within you will always be a part of you. You can never fully cast it off."

Leviathan nodded in agreement. "Aye, even if the world is at peace, the darkness within human hearts will always linger. It is an ever-present reminder of the imperfection of our existence."

Elara listened intently, her mind wandering to the depths of her own consciousness. The words of the two dragons resonated with her deeply. She knew that her burden would always be with her, but she also knew that she could never give up her duty.

Elara took a deep breath and spoke with conviction. "the darkness will always be a part of me, just as it is a part of humanity. But I believe that it is only by facing our darkness that we can truly appreciate the light. And as long as there is even a glimmer of hope and goodness in this world, I will continue to fight for it. I will never stop striving for a better tomorrow, no matter how bleak the present may seem."

She looked at Mirage and Leviathan, a sense of determination in her eyes. "I will bear this burden and use it to bring about a world where darkness is not feared, but understood and accepted. Where we can all coexist in harmony, even with our imperfections."

Mirage and Leviathan exchanged a knowing glance before nodding in agreement. "You are wise beyond your years, Ashes Whisper," said Mirage. "May your strength and resolve never falter."

"O Ashes Whisper," Mirage began, his voice carrying a weighty solemnity. " there is good and evil lies a vast gray area that humans must navigate. We may strive for righteousness, but in doing so, we often unknowingly commit heinous acts. Conversely, we may commit evil deeds, but in the end, those actions may serve a greater good."

Leviathan added, "Indeed, the line between good and evil is not always clear-cut. It is up to each individual to determine their own moral and live with the consequences of their choices."

Mirage turned to Elara once more. "O Ashes Whisper, seek Rames. His tomb is not far from here," he said, pointing in the direction of the desert. "In his tomb lies knowledge that can help you understand the darkness within yourself and within humanity also it can help in your journey."

Elara listened intently, her curiosity piqued. She knew that the journey ahead would not be easy, but the promise of such knowledge was too great to ignore.

Mirage spoke to Elara. "O Ashes Whisper, I will lend you my strength through the flames that engulfed me.

Elara nodded, understanding the depth of Mirage's words. "Thank you, Leviathan and Mirage," Elara said, bowing respectfully.

Leviathan let out a deep, contented sigh. "Go, Ashes Whisper. Your destiny awaits."

Elara's heart was still racing from the intensity of her dream. As she opened her eyes and saw Khai and Samael by her side, relief washed over her. "Is Zarek alright?" she asked, her voice still shaking.

Khai nodded. "He's fine. We managed to create an amber stone and used it to heal him."

Elara let out a sigh of relief, grateful that her friends were safe. But her mind was still consumed by the vision she had just experienced.

"We need to find the Tomb of Emperor Rames," she said firmly.

Khai looked at her in surprise. "Tomb of Rames? I see..." he trailed off, his mind lost in thought.

Samael was equally curious. "But if the disappearance of Emperor Rames is a myth or a mystery, how did you come to know about it?"

Elara took a deep breath and began to recount her encounter with Mirage and Leviathan in her unconscious state. She spoke of about the Crystal Flower of the Desert and the importance of finding the Tomb of Rames.

As she spoke, Khai and Samael listened intently, their faces etched with both awe and concern. They knew that the journey ahead would not be an easy one, but they also knew that they had to uncover the truth about the missing Emperor Rames

Zarek turned to Elara, his eyes intense with anticipation. "Do you know the way Elara?"

Elara met his gaze steadily. "The tomb is said to be located not far from here," she replied. "The tomb is said to be located not far from here," she replied. "With the Crystal Flower Desert it will guide us the way

With that Khai pull out the Crystal Flower Desert from his bag " i see, this artifact are the key to help us finding the Tomb of Rames"

Elara replied "Yes the Crystal Flower Desert will glow brighter, its mean the location are near"

As they set out the Crystal Flower Desert began to glow brighter and brighter, illuminating their path. The group walked for what felt like hours, the blistering sun beating down upon them, but their determination never wavered.

The group traveled for what felt like hours, the heat of the desert weighing heavily upon them. Just when they began to feel discouraged, the Crystal Flower Desert began to glow brighter, its light pulsing with an urgency that set their hearts racing.

"There!" Elara cried, pointing towards a distant outcropping of rocks. "That must be it!"

They pushed on towards the rocks, their eyes fixed on the spot where Elara had indicated the tomb was located. As they drew closer, they could see that the rocks formed a natural entranceway, leading deep into the earth.

Zarek's eyes gleamed with excitement. "This is it," he breathed. "The tomb of Emperor Rames."

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